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Discover the latest news, insights and guides of Iperbriko. Your center of the house, offline for the citizens of Sannio, online for the rest of Europe.
  • Bricolage in Casa: Idee Fai-da-Te per Rinnovare gli Spazi con Creatività e Risparmio

    Bricolage in Casa: Idee Fai-da-Te per Rinnovare...

    Introduzione al Fai-da-te in Casa Cos'è il fai da te in casa? Il fai da te in casa permette di migliorare e personalizzare gli spazi domestici, dando sfogo alla creatività,...

    Bricolage in Casa: Idee Fai-da-Te per Rinnovare...

    Introduzione al Fai-da-te in Casa Cos'è il fai da te in casa? Il fai da te in casa permette di migliorare e personalizzare gli spazi domestici, dando sfogo alla creatività,...

  • Illuminazione per Interni: Tipi di Illuminazione per Ogni Spazio

    Illuminazione per Interni: Tipi di Illuminazion...

    Illuminazione per Interni: Tipi di Illuminazione per Ogni Spazio. L'illuminazione è un elemento fondamentale per creare l'atmosfera giusta in ogni ambiente della casa. Che si tratti di una luce soffusa...

    Illuminazione per Interni: Tipi di Illuminazion...

    Illuminazione per Interni: Tipi di Illuminazione per Ogni Spazio. L'illuminazione è un elemento fondamentale per creare l'atmosfera giusta in ogni ambiente della casa. Che si tratti di una luce soffusa...

  • Arredamento Piccoli Spazi: Soluzioni Moderne e Idee Salvaspazio per Ottimizzare Casa con Stile

    Arredamento Piccoli Spazi: Soluzioni Moderne e ...

    Arredare piccoli spazi richiede una pianificazione attenta e l'uso di strategie salvaspazio che combinano funzionalità e stile. Che si tratti di un monolocale, di un piccolo appartamento o di una...

    Arredamento Piccoli Spazi: Soluzioni Moderne e ...

    Arredare piccoli spazi richiede una pianificazione attenta e l'uso di strategie salvaspazio che combinano funzionalità e stile. Che si tratti di un monolocale, di un piccolo appartamento o di una...

  • Tendenze Arredo Giardino: Scopri i Nuovi Stili per il Tuo Spazio Esterno

    Garden furniture trends: discover the new style...

    Emerging trends in the garden design The importance of natural materials The use of natural materials is a growing trend in outdoor furniture. Furniture and accessories made of wood, rattan...

    Garden furniture trends: discover the new style...

    Emerging trends in the garden design The importance of natural materials The use of natural materials is a growing trend in outdoor furniture. Furniture and accessories made of wood, rattan...

  • Tende da sole per esterni: come pulirle nel modo giusto

    Outdoor curtains: how to clean them in the righ...

    The Outdoor curtains They are an important element for the home, able to offer shadow and protection against sunlight, allowing you to enjoy the best of your terrace or garden....

    Outdoor curtains: how to clean them in the righ...

    The Outdoor curtains They are an important element for the home, able to offer shadow and protection against sunlight, allowing you to enjoy the best of your terrace or garden....

  • I vantaggi delle tende da sole motorizzate: perché sceglierle rispetto a quelle manuali

    The advantages of motorized curtains: why choos...

    Sun curtains represent a very widespread solution for protection from direct exposure to sunlight and to guarantee greater privacy. In addition, the curtains can provide valid help in regulating the...

    The advantages of motorized curtains: why choos...

    Sun curtains represent a very widespread solution for protection from direct exposure to sunlight and to guarantee greater privacy. In addition, the curtains can provide valid help in regulating the...

  • Guida all'acquisto delle tende a caduta: come scegliere quelle perfette per la tua casa

    Guide to the purchase of falling curtains: how ...

    We all want to relax in the outdoor space of our homes but to do this we must be supported by some ad hoc equipment, able to ensure the perfect...

    Guide to the purchase of falling curtains: how ...

    We all want to relax in the outdoor space of our homes but to do this we must be supported by some ad hoc equipment, able to ensure the perfect...

  • Tende da balcone: la soluzione ideale per la protezione solare

    Balcony curtains: the ideal solution for sun pr...

    The balcony curtains They are an excellent solution for those who want to protect their outdoor space from the sun's rays and create a fresh and shaded atmosphere. In this...

    Balcony curtains: the ideal solution for sun pr...

    The balcony curtains They are an excellent solution for those who want to protect their outdoor space from the sun's rays and create a fresh and shaded atmosphere. In this...

  • Costruire una Scarpiera Fai da Te: 3 modelli per organizzare le tue calzature

    Build a DIY shoe rack: 3 models to organize you...

    Organizing shoes efficiently is a common problem in many domestic environments. However, it is not necessary to buy expensive shoe racks to solve this problem. In this article, we will...

    Build a DIY shoe rack: 3 models to organize you...

    Organizing shoes efficiently is a common problem in many domestic environments. However, it is not necessary to buy expensive shoe racks to solve this problem. In this article, we will...

  • Idee e Consigli per Recintare un Giardino: quante ne conosci?

    Ideas and tips to fence a garden: how many do y...

    Fence a garden It is an important decision for many people who want to preserve their privacy, protect their space and prevent access to unwanted or animal people. However, when...

    Ideas and tips to fence a garden: how many do y...

    Fence a garden It is an important decision for many people who want to preserve their privacy, protect their space and prevent access to unwanted or animal people. However, when...

  • Come pulire gli interni dell'auto: idee e consigli

    How to clean the interior of the car: ideas and...

    The internal parts of your car are exposed to a large amount of dirt, dust and debris. To keep your car clean and in good condition, you need to take...

    How to clean the interior of the car: ideas and...

    The internal parts of your car are exposed to a large amount of dirt, dust and debris. To keep your car clean and in good condition, you need to take...

  • Stendibiancheria: scegliere fra i vari modelli di stendipanni

    Stenndibianchery: choose between the various mo...

    The rocks can be a great way to dry the clothes, but those who are not familiar with household chores may not realize how varied they can be. Depending on...

    Stenndibianchery: choose between the various mo...

    The rocks can be a great way to dry the clothes, but those who are not familiar with household chores may not realize how varied they can be. Depending on...

  • Montare la passerella in giardino: soluzioni per tutte le esigenze

    Mount the catwalk in the garden: solutions for ...

    Create one garden catwalk It is an excellent way to embellish any outdoor space, be it small or large. When you choose the materials for your way, take into consideration...

    Mount the catwalk in the garden: solutions for ...

    Create one garden catwalk It is an excellent way to embellish any outdoor space, be it small or large. When you choose the materials for your way, take into consideration...

  • Costruire un tiragraffi fai da te: fai felici i tuoi gatti

    Building a do -it -yourself tiragraffi: make yo...

    Cats love tiragraffes, but it is not always easy to find good and at a good price. The solution? Build a DIY TIRAGRAFE homemade! Here are some tips on how...

    Building a do -it -yourself tiragraffi: make yo...

    Cats love tiragraffes, but it is not always easy to find good and at a good price. The solution? Build a DIY TIRAGRAFE homemade! Here are some tips on how...

  • Lampadario minimal: scegliere l'illuminazione perfetta

    Minimal chandelier: choose the perfect lighting

    Lighting is a fundamental element to give personality to the furnishing of your home. Finding the perfect solution is not always easy, especially when it comes to minimal chandeliers. A...

    Minimal chandelier: choose the perfect lighting

    Lighting is a fundamental element to give personality to the furnishing of your home. Finding the perfect solution is not always easy, especially when it comes to minimal chandeliers. A...

  • Candele Fai da Te: Come Farle in Cera o Gel

    DIY candles: how to make them in wax or gel

    The creation of DIY candles It can be a fun and creative project, and it can be a very special gift for any occasion. You can create handmade candles in...

    DIY candles: how to make them in wax or gel

    The creation of DIY candles It can be a fun and creative project, and it can be a very special gift for any occasion. You can create handmade candles in...

  • Gnomi di Natale fai da te: Idee semplici e creative per decorare le festività

    DIY CHRISTMAS GNOMS: There is something for eve...

    Gnomes are a very loved decoration of many Christmas celebrations and some families exhibit them in their homes for generations. Decorating the house with DIY Christmas gnomes is an easy...

    DIY CHRISTMAS GNOMS: There is something for eve...

    Gnomes are a very loved decoration of many Christmas celebrations and some families exhibit them in their homes for generations. Decorating the house with DIY Christmas gnomes is an easy...

  • Luminarie da esterno: come addobbare con le luci natalizie

    Outdoor lights: how to decorate with Christmas ...

    The Outdoor lights They are one of the most popular ways to decorate the house for Christmas. But before starting to hang the lights, there are some things to know....

    Outdoor lights: how to decorate with Christmas ...

    The Outdoor lights They are one of the most popular ways to decorate the house for Christmas. But before starting to hang the lights, there are some things to know....

  • Creare una scena festosa di un villaggio Lemax a casa vostra in questa stagione natalizia

    Create a festive scene of a Lemax village in yo...

    Lemax villages are the perfect way to bring the magic of Christmas to home. That a traditional or modern village is chosen, these miniature scenes can immediately create a party...

    Create a festive scene of a Lemax village in yo...

    Lemax villages are the perfect way to bring the magic of Christmas to home. That a traditional or modern village is chosen, these miniature scenes can immediately create a party...

  • Albero di natale moderno

    Modern Christmas tree

    Christmas is approaching and with it the desire to decorate our home. Among traditional trees, modern Christmas trees and eccentric Christmas trees, how to choose the right one for us?...

    Modern Christmas tree

    Christmas is approaching and with it the desire to decorate our home. Among traditional trees, modern Christmas trees and eccentric Christmas trees, how to choose the right one for us?...

  • Manutenzione estiva e invernale delle grondaie: Una guida completa

    Summer and winter maintenance of the gutters: a...

    When it comes to the maintenance of the gutters, the mind immediately goes to the winter months, when the risk of frost can endanger the integrity of the structure. In...

    Summer and winter maintenance of the gutters: a...

    When it comes to the maintenance of the gutters, the mind immediately goes to the winter months, when the risk of frost can endanger the integrity of the structure. In...

  • Spugnatura a parete: suggerimenti per la decorazione della casa

    Wall sponge: suggestions for home decoration

    When you decide to paint the walls of your home, there are several possibilities to consider. You can opt for a sponged effect, which will give the walls a more...

    Wall sponge: suggestions for home decoration

    When you decide to paint the walls of your home, there are several possibilities to consider. You can opt for a sponged effect, which will give the walls a more...

  • Modi per decorare una stanza con gli stencil fai da te: ecco i nostri suggerimenti!

    Ways to decorate a room with do -it -yourself s...

    When you decide to decorate a room, you often focus only on furniture and colors. But what do you say to add a personal touch with stencils? These are drawings...

    Ways to decorate a room with do -it -yourself s...

    When you decide to decorate a room, you often focus only on furniture and colors. But what do you say to add a personal touch with stencils? These are drawings...

  • Come sverniciare il legno e riportarlo al naturale: ecco i metodi

    How to winter the wood and bring it naturally: ...

    In this article we will explain how winter the wood of a piece of furniture to bring it back to its natural color. First, all the existing paint must be...

    How to winter the wood and bring it naturally: ...

    In this article we will explain how winter the wood of a piece of furniture to bring it back to its natural color. First, all the existing paint must be...

  • Campana a vento per esterno: come realizzarla?

    Outdoor windfield: how to make it?

    Although the summer is over, the sweet sound of the wind bells is always a pleasure with the arrival of the rain. Being stimulated by the sound of a wind...

    Outdoor windfield: how to make it?

    Although the summer is over, the sweet sound of the wind bells is always a pleasure with the arrival of the rain. Being stimulated by the sound of a wind...

  • Come costruire una scaletta di legno pieghevole: le istruzioni

    How to build a folding wooden ladder: the instr...

    Inside our homes, every day, we challenge each other with many different levels: from the shelves on the shelf to the clothing ordered along the highest shelf of the wardrobe....

    How to build a folding wooden ladder: the instr...

    Inside our homes, every day, we challenge each other with many different levels: from the shelves on the shelf to the clothing ordered along the highest shelf of the wardrobe....

  • Giardino verticale fai da te: costo e realizzazione

    DIY vertical garden: cost and realization

    To create a vertical garden, you can contact several technical companies in the sector. This is at least necessary, because the installation on the facades of the buildings or on...

    DIY vertical garden: cost and realization

    To create a vertical garden, you can contact several technical companies in the sector. This is at least necessary, because the installation on the facades of the buildings or on...

  • Il peggiore amico degli indoratori: cos’è la muffa?

    The worst friend of the drivers: what is mold?

    Autumn is the season of changes and new colors and, very often, in the domestic environment this means a new color for its walls. When called the editor, one of...

    The worst friend of the drivers: what is mold?

    Autumn is the season of changes and new colors and, very often, in the domestic environment this means a new color for its walls. When called the editor, one of...

  • Frullatore a immersione o robot multifunzione: come scegliere

    Immersion blender or multifunction robot: how t...

    Nowadays, the activity in the kitchen is often complex and requires not only experience and ability, but also a support in the preparation of the dishes. This support is provided...

    Immersion blender or multifunction robot: how t...

    Nowadays, the activity in the kitchen is often complex and requires not only experience and ability, but also a support in the preparation of the dishes. This support is provided...

  • Ristrutturazione bagno fai da te: idee e consigli

    DIY bathroom renovation: ideas and advice

    With the passing of the years, sooner or later comes the moment when a renovation of some environments of one's home. It may be necessary to re -adorn the rooms...

    DIY bathroom renovation: ideas and advice

    With the passing of the years, sooner or later comes the moment when a renovation of some environments of one's home. It may be necessary to re -adorn the rooms...

  • Fontane solari da giardino: perchè sceglierle per i propri esterni

    Garden solar fountains: why choose them for the...

    Owning a beautiful garden inside your home allows you to have a green space where you can relax and let your children play freely or the dog. For those who,...

    Garden solar fountains: why choose them for the...

    Owning a beautiful garden inside your home allows you to have a green space where you can relax and let your children play freely or the dog. For those who,...

  • Consolle allungabili cucina: scegliamole per il nostro arredamento

    Extendable console Kitchen: Choose them for our...

    It happened almost to everyone to have an unexpected guest for lunch or dinner and having to add a place at the table. A situation that, for those who own...

    Extendable console Kitchen: Choose them for our...

    It happened almost to everyone to have an unexpected guest for lunch or dinner and having to add a place at the table. A situation that, for those who own...

  • Docce da esterno, ecco come sceglierle

    Outdoor showers, here's how to choose them

    For those who own a garden It has certainly happened, especially in a hot day, to want to cool off or rinse at least the face, perhaps under a nice...

    Outdoor showers, here's how to choose them

    For those who own a garden It has certainly happened, especially in a hot day, to want to cool off or rinse at least the face, perhaps under a nice...

  • Casette per bambini da giardino: divertimento a prova di bimbo

    Garden children's houses: baby proof fun

    Owning a beautiful garden in your home represents an extraordinary opportunity for many reasons: it can be used as a green corner of the house where you can relax perhaps...

    Garden children's houses: baby proof fun

    Owning a beautiful garden in your home represents an extraordinary opportunity for many reasons: it can be used as a green corner of the house where you can relax perhaps...

  • Curare il giardino, come scegliere tagliasiepi e tosaerba

    Treat the garden, how to choose Tagliasiepi and...

    For those lucky ones who have a home with a garden, this represents a precious corner of the house where you can relax with their children or play with your...

    Treat the garden, how to choose Tagliasiepi and...

    For those lucky ones who have a home with a garden, this represents a precious corner of the house where you can relax with their children or play with your...

  • Barattoli per conserve, ecco come sterilizzarli

    Jars for preserves, here's how to sterilize them

    In every Italian family, despite the considerable and widespread presence of products of all kinds in supermarkets, we often tend to make preserver of various kinds: from jams to jams,...

    Jars for preserves, here's how to sterilize them

    In every Italian family, despite the considerable and widespread presence of products of all kinds in supermarkets, we often tend to make preserver of various kinds: from jams to jams,...

  • Mobili da bagno colorati: guida alla scelta

    Colored bath furniture: Choice guide

    When needed Furnish the house bathroom, whether it is the first furniture, whether it is a renovation or a simple restyling, it is necessary to choose not only the type...

    Colored bath furniture: Choice guide

    When needed Furnish the house bathroom, whether it is the first furniture, whether it is a renovation or a simple restyling, it is necessary to choose not only the type...

  • Lampade solari da giardino: i nostri consigli

    Solar garden lamps: our advice

    Light up correctly your garden is a factor of practicality, Of safety and, why not, also of aesthetics.In recent years, more and more people have re -evaluated the importance and...

    Solar garden lamps: our advice

    Light up correctly your garden is a factor of practicality, Of safety and, why not, also of aesthetics.In recent years, more and more people have re -evaluated the importance and...

  • Barbecue: guida alla scelta

    Barbecue: Choice guide

    If you are fans of the barbecue, you will not be able to give in to the charm of buying an all -personal barbecue, sooner or later.The word barbecue is...

    Barbecue: Choice guide

    If you are fans of the barbecue, you will not be able to give in to the charm of buying an all -personal barbecue, sooner or later.The word barbecue is...

  • Tettoia in legno: ecco cosa sapere

    Wooden roof: here's what to know

    Choosing to insert a wooden canopy in the plan of your home is a choice that in recent years has been made more and more often due to the possibility...

    Wooden roof: here's what to know

    Choosing to insert a wooden canopy in the plan of your home is a choice that in recent years has been made more and more often due to the possibility...

  • Sedia a dondolo: guida alla scelta

    Dondolo chair: Choice guide

    the rocking chair is a timeless piece of furniture and the reason for its success , still today, it is to be found both in its aesthetic charm and in...

    Dondolo chair: Choice guide

    the rocking chair is a timeless piece of furniture and the reason for its success , still today, it is to be found both in its aesthetic charm and in...

  • Appendiabiti da parete: ecco come scegliere quello giusto

    Wall hanger: here's how to choose the right one

    L'wall hangers In many cases it is an essential furnishing complement for a correct location of coats and jackets.The advantage of this element is certainly his versatility, this can in...

    Wall hanger: here's how to choose the right one

    L'wall hangers In many cases it is an essential furnishing complement for a correct location of coats and jackets.The advantage of this element is certainly his versatility, this can in...

  • Camerette per bambino: ecco come realizzarle

    Bedrooms for child: here's how to make them

    Choose the furniture for bedrooms for children It can be complicated, especially if the intent is to make the bedroom last over time.L'furniture from the bedrooms for children must be...

    Bedrooms for child: here's how to make them

    Choose the furniture for bedrooms for children It can be complicated, especially if the intent is to make the bedroom last over time.L'furniture from the bedrooms for children must be...

  • Tendenze arredo 2022: scopriamole insieme

    Furnishing Trends 2022: let's discover them tog...

    Choosing to furnish your home by staying with the times can be a winning move if you follow the right guide and that's why we have collected the best advice...

    Furnishing Trends 2022: let's discover them tog...

    Choosing to furnish your home by staying with the times can be a winning move if you follow the right guide and that's why we have collected the best advice...

  • La tavola di tutti i giorni: ecco come apparecchiare

    The everyday table: here's how to set up

    By setting up an informal table may seem like a random and spontaneous process, without any rule or logical because we think it is something that should not be paid...

    The everyday table: here's how to set up

    By setting up an informal table may seem like a random and spontaneous process, without any rule or logical because we think it is something that should not be paid...

  • Il panettone americano: ecco come prepararlo

    The American panettone: here's how to prepare it

    The American panettone is a recipe suitable for anyone who loves desserts but needs to keep the supply of sugars for various reasons or in general the calorie intake.It may...

    The American panettone: here's how to prepare it

    The American panettone is a recipe suitable for anyone who loves desserts but needs to keep the supply of sugars for various reasons or in general the calorie intake.It may...

  • Fare la birra in casa: la guida

    Making beer at home: the guide

    In recent years more and more Italian have found their hobby in home beer, a way to be satisfied with their production and at the same time being able to...

    Making beer at home: the guide

    In recent years more and more Italian have found their hobby in home beer, a way to be satisfied with their production and at the same time being able to...

  • Tv a parete: ecco come scegliere le staffe

    Wall TV: this is how to choose the brackets

    If you have purchased a new wall on the wall and you are wondering how to choose the know brackets that we have prepared for you a series of characteristics...

    Wall TV: this is how to choose the brackets

    If you have purchased a new wall on the wall and you are wondering how to choose the know brackets that we have prepared for you a series of characteristics...

  • Pavimentare il giardino: ecco idee e soluzioni per te

    Pave the garden: here is ideas and solutions fo...

    The flooring of the garden responds to different needs and to the type of green space to be set up: path, path, relaxation area or dining area. To each use,...

    Pave the garden: here is ideas and solutions fo...

    The flooring of the garden responds to different needs and to the type of green space to be set up: path, path, relaxation area or dining area. To each use,...

  • Come scegliere la friggitrice ad aria: i nostri consigli

    How to choose the air fryer: our advice

    One of the latest generation appliances very present in the houses is the air fryer. It is a simple and innovative food processor at the same time that allows you...

    How to choose the air fryer: our advice

    One of the latest generation appliances very present in the houses is the air fryer. It is a simple and innovative food processor at the same time that allows you...

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