The everyday table: here's how to set up

June 10, 2024

La tavola di tutti i giorni: ecco come apparecchiare

By setting up an informal table may seem like a random and spontaneous process, without any rule or logical because we think it is something that should not be paid to be careful unless you do with guests.
It often happens to choose a random tablecloth, as well as to opt for dishes and small glasses, but in reality it is possible to set up an informal table that still has its prevalent style and that is therefore able to create a welcoming table without having to wait for There are guests to be able to enjoy them.
In fact, it may be important and useful to set up an informal table that has everything in its place and that it is beautiful to see, so as to face the meal comfortablely.
For this reason we have collected for you some of the best tips to be able to set up an informal table, all suitable tips to be prepared even if your children should invite some friends at the last minute or to find you lunch with your parents.
Before proceeding with the analysis of the various elements that make up a table, make sure, before proceeding, that the chairs are well aligned with each available place and that these are equidistant, so that you can proceed with the arrangement of what is needed for each single person.

Choose the tablecloth

The first obligatory choice is certainly that relating to the tablecloth, it is from this, in fact, that it starts to obtain a successful final result.
The tablecloth is in fact the absolute protagonist, the basis of everything that will be placed subsequently and which therefore begins to direct the table towards a certain style rather than another, making the most of the space, which is why, even if it is setting up an informal table, the choice must still be made with knowledge of the facts and not casually.
So try to find a type of fabric, a plot and the colors that are in line with your tastes and with the rest of your dishes, so as to have a table always ordered and well set in a few simple moves.
Regarding the colors, our advice is to dare: choose colors that are in harmony with the rest of the environment, as well as with your dishes and glasses, the important thing is to be able to find the right chromatic combinations between the tablecloth And the accessories that you use daily in such a way as to choose a monochromatic tablecloth if the dishes or cutlery are decorated, such as the Iperbiko Mediterranean Excelsa Mandala Mandala Mandala which will allow you to be also elegant and unique in the composition of your set table; Or to opt for tablecloths rich in details in the event that your accessories are monocolor or without character.
Regarding the napkins, in a table set in an informal way, it is logical to focus on the paper ones but make sure they have a good quality and that they are of a color in line with some of the accessories that you use daily, for example blue or blue in case in which you have the characteristic cutlery of Hyperbric.

The various components

To set up an informal table, certain accessories are certainly needed, among which we cannot fail to consider the dishes. 
In general, even if you think you serve dishes ready for each diner, it is better to prepare the table at least with flat plates to be placed at 70 cm from each other and then, on these, place the dish with the meal.
Although on some occasions it may not seem necessary, choosing to store a underpipe even in everyday life can be useful to be able to easily consume other food, perhaps a second or a side dish depending on your needs.
In the case of the dishes, the advice is to remain as neutral as possible, which is why a service of white dishes for daily use can be a winning choice.
After placing the dishes, proceed with the placement the cutlery and, for the everyday table, a knife, a fork and, if necessary, the spoon are sufficient.
As for the position, just place the knife and fork based on how you use them during the meal: fork on the left and knife on the right, remembering to store the blade towards the plate.
The spoon, on the other hand, must be placed on the right, next to the knife outside which will surely be the last place we use.
As for the glasses, these must be placed high from the dish and slightly directed to the right, in line with the tip of the knife.
These, in an informal table, can be almost of any type, both colorful and decorated but having them of a color that is in harmony with cutlery or dishes can be useful and donate that extra touch.
If your meal includes the consumption of wine, perhaps to celebrate something in the family, you could opt for two glasses of different sizes (the larger one for water and the smaller one for wine) and if you also want to play with the location, Know that the wine glass generally is placed higher and behind the glass for water.
Finally, to set up an informal table but with all comforts do not forget the wicker or fabric holder baskets and do not forget salire and orally as well as the cheese if the chosen dishes require their use in such a way that anyone who can coat their own their own dishes and can flavor them according to their personal taste.
With these few and small tricks you will see that setting up an informal table will be a children's game and that you can adopt these choices every day, in order to be welcoming and at the same time being simple, sober and practical, adapting to any situation and invitation of the 'last moment.
We Italians love to eat and do it with a well -set table and the dishes in harmony is the base!


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