Bedrooms for child: here's how to make them

June 10, 2024

Camerette per bambino: ecco come realizzarle

Choose the furniture for bedrooms for children It can be complicated, especially if the intent is to make the bedroom last over time.
L'furniture from the bedrooms for children must be at the same time ludic, colorful, fun And functional, Without to forget safety And calm to be able to sleep peacefully and carry out his favorite activities.
To succeed in the intent, it is not enough to choose a pastel color That you like it but you have to make a real setting in which children can feel comfortable and at the same time protagonists of their space.
What is complicated when you choose to furnish the bedrooms for children It is precisely the management of the space that seems to be never sufficient.
The bedroom is both the game room that that of the study, the place to spend your time with friends and at the same time the place to rest, which is why different furnishing They must be optimally placed within the available space.
Another complication typical of bedrooms for children It is the risk that in a few years your child completely changes his needs, which is why it is important to rely on furniture and structures that can be reusable and incorrect to the variation of the age and consequently of the needs and style of the child.
With regard to The nets and the mattress Our advice is to rely on the quality of the products of Hyperbric, of the real allies of your furniture.

The fundamental rules to follow

To furnish the bedrooms for children In a beautiful and at the same time functional way there are three rules to follow: the safety, lo Space dedicated to games And it space dedicated to rest.
Each of the self -respecting children's bedrooms must be equipped with a space dedicated to its games that will accompany it during the days as well as for some time.
For this reason, however fair it is to reserve the right space for wardrobe, the desk and the Bed, it is important to leave the child a space that is dedicated only and exclusively to leisure, in our case we recommend that you Choose a carpet on which to let your child play in total tranquility.
As for safety, make sure that all the chosen furnishing accessories are without edges or elements that can be dangerous, in order to possibly allow your child to explore the space that surrounds him without having to constantly worry about what could happen.
Finally, make sure that the bed has its own space and a surrounding atmosphere capable of reconciling sleep and at the same time that is consistent with the surrounding environment.
Therefore play with the colors and shapes in such a way as to enhance to the maximum Free space And to be able to create an environment that is functional for him and for you and at the same time engaging for your child, so that it spends time with pleasure.

Functionality and aesthetics: here's how to combine them

The first thing to do when proceeding with the furnishings of the bedrooms for children It is to correctly evaluate the spaces and get an idea of ​​what you want to take to evaluate how to manage them: where to store the bed, where the wardrobe, where the desk and where the games.
Subsequently, our advice is that of proceed with the choice of color, a fundamental element for give the room a joyful appearance.
First of all, if your child already has any preference, we advise you to follow it in such a way as to be sure to create a pleasant space, a place where it can feel comfortable also thanks to the chosen color.
However, don't forget the importance of enhance Anyway The available space, if the bedroom is small, for example, it can be better to offer for the white color in order to give brightness to the environment and make it appear larger.
In the event that you are forced to choose this color for the walls, make sure you play with the colors of the furniture or to store on the walls of the touches of color, perhaps of the photo or of the prints of their favorite cartoon characters, so as not to create a boring environment.
As for the Bed, the choice can be different: from bunk beds, to bridge beds, passing through the mezzanine or sliding ones. The choice must be made on the basis of the available size or the desire to Create a scenic bedroom.
As for the color of the furnishings, this plays a decisive role, as the chromatic choice offers personality to the environment and serenity to the little ones.
In this sense, we advise you to always take into consideration the relaxing effects or exciting of colors, therefore opt for colors such as blue and green to create a relaxing atmosphere and for colors such as yellow and red for a lively atmosphere.
Finally, in order to embellish the bedrooms for children very few complements are enough but well inserted in space in such a way as to stimulate curiosity of the little ones and at the same time having to do with a functional environment.
Even those who have little budget at their disposal can resort to the purchase of a few quality products and then proceed with the do-it-yourself adopting some simple and immediate precautions.
In addition to the application of stickers or prints on the walls, we advise you to choose colorful and decorated curtains, perhaps with cartoons characters, to then be able to recall through the purchase and affixing of bedspreads and/or cushions that recall the same fantasies and the same colors.
Equally important and essential is the correct lighting: make sure that the bedroom is well enlightened but at the same time that the light points are well positioned to prevent the sight of the small fatigue and as regards the switches masks Osate with the colors!


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