DIY bathroom renovation: ideas and advice

June 10, 2024

Ristrutturazione bagno fai da te: idee e consigli

With the passing of the years, sooner or later comes the moment when a renovation of some environments of one's home. It may be necessary to re -adorn the rooms or perhaps to renew some elements or change them totally. From this point of view, one of the most subject to this renovation appears to be the bath. However, this kind of work could be expensive and therefore some could decide to carry out one DIY bathroom renovation.

The decision to proceed with these interventions and perform them alone certainly allows you to save money, however it requires skills, experience, competence and manual skills. And not everyone has such characteristics. Also, before proceeding with any kind of work, you have to decide if make a renovation real and therefore a profound Renewal of the bathroom or make slight changes to the same. The latter, in fact, can be performed more easily than the first.

In fact, one thing is to paint walls, while it is quite the other to replace floors and install health workers. The first aspect therefore to be considered concerns the type of intervention you intend to carry out. Once you have clear ideas on what you want to do and get, then you can move on to carry out these jobs, carefully and attentively. However, we try to explain in a simple way how to be able to Make a renovation of the DIY bath.

Restyling or bathroom renovation

As mentioned above, a restyling represents a above all aesthetic intervention, which allows to obtain a renewal of the environment at limited costs, but which does not require structural and therefore deep works. Therefore it means, in practice, changing colors to the room, modifying the furniture (from accessories in the mirror) and possibly also the arrangement. Interventions that can be easily performed and that could be within the reach of several people.

On the other hand, it is instead to perform a real renovation, which tends to profoundly modify an environment and consists, for example, in dismantling and replacement of health workers; demolition of the screed; renovation of the hydraulic system; replacement of the tank ed Installation of a shower cubicle, for those environments in which this operation has not yet been carried out. Interventions, as can be seen, very deep and which require a certain competence and care, not executable by everyone.

Change the colors of the environment

A first work that could be done is Respip the bathroom, in order to change its color and renew it, perhaps to increase the brightness. In this case, you could decide to paint only the ceiling or also paint the coatings. The latter choice is taken into consideration when you don't want to change existing coatings, perhaps because they are still new or in any case in good condition. If not, it is advisable to replace the tiles.

Renew the bathroom floor

There Renovation of a floor It represents an important intervention to be performed, however there may be various solutions to choose from. For example, in order not to dismantle the old pavement, you could overlap new tiles to the old ones, buying their interlocking floats or choosing a resin coverage, available in many colors and with multiple decorative effects. Another possible option: to use a waterproof nail polish on the original tiles, thus change only the shade.

Coatings to be modified

For change the bathroom coverings We need a certain attention, as if the dismantling does not take place carefully, you risk ruining the underlying walls and therefore aggravate the cost of the works. Once the health workers are protected, you can proceed with the removal of tiles. We begin to eliminate the stucco of the escapes, also using a hairdryer, in order to make this material more malleable. Then you also use a little knife, to remove the plaster and get to see only the individual tiles divided.

Now one of these most raised are identified. Once found, a screwdriver or a chisel between this and the wall is inserted and gets on the handle in order to remove it slowly. The first tile is the most complicated to remove, however it has just removed this, for the following the operation will be simpler.

If you can't remove anything, then the alternative is to break the individual tiles, performing a central hole on each and then shattering with a hammer slowly each of them. Once all removed, you have to level the wall well, eliminating all the possible fixing placed on the wall. The use of a simple spatula is generally sufficient.

Fixing of the health workers

For the replacement of health workers, first of all it is necessary to remove the old ones. Once the water valve has been closed, unscrew the toilet ring and then remove the tube that connects to the junk. Next step is to remove the bolts present. With this operation, remove the toilet from the floor, with a strong and decisive movement. Same procedure for the bidet: remove the drain tube and the canes of hot and cold water, remove the bolts and uproot the piece from the floor.

For the sink, proceed with the removal of the support column and unscrew the drain tube and the two water rods. Once the piece is removed, using a spatula, remove the silicone and white cement present. For Install the new health workers, on the other hand, two specific pieces are needed for fixing to the wall or floor. To complete everything, it will then be necessary to the white cement, in order to fill the space existing between the individual health workers and the wall.

What we have seen is only a part of the works that could be carried out for the Renovation of a bathroom in DIY mode. The choice of good quality materials is also important, as they affect the functional and aesthetic duration of the bathroom itself and the individual sanitary ware. In fact, excellent materials and accurate interventions will allow you to be able to use this environment optimally for a very long time.

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