Making beer at home: the guide

June 10, 2024

Fare la birra in casa: la guida

In recent years more and more Italian have found their hobby in home beer, a way to be satisfied with their production and at the same time being able to enjoy a unique taste that makes proudly because it is made with your own hands.
Furthermore, making beer in the house does not require particular instruments or large sums of money, indeed grace to the Iperbiko Coopers beer fermentation kit you will have everything you need to be able to replicate the tools present in a brewery in miniature and therefore be able to be able to produce your beer.
Choosing to take beer at home is the best way to take a step back and return to when beer was produced only handcrafted, therefore, therefore, that technologies and industry took over.
The beer production operations were handed down from generation to generation and at most it could be dealt with with small rooms used for sale.
Today, choosing to make beer at home means giving in to the charm that the process itself has, going to transform the passion for its taste into a real hobby with which to get involved and experiment, thanks also to the equipment on the market Like the hyperbiko kit.

What is needed?

Before starting to make beer at home, it is essential to take some important precautions in order to be able to pass, in a short time, to the real understanding of the process itself.
Beyond all the courses that you could follow online on how to make beer, it is essential to be first ready in instrumental terms at the beginning of the process.
To make beer at home, the first essential element for the preparation of the recipe is certainly one: space. Like all the hobbies that are also respected, this deserves a dedicated space, a work area that can host the instrumentation necessary for the performance of all phases.
Secondly, specific tools will be needed including: a large pot, chosen on the basis of the amount of beer that will be intended to produce.
Subsequently, it is necessary to buy the necessary quantities of yeast, hops and malt that, also in this case, must be dosed on the basis of the desired result both in terms of quantity and quality and taste, without forgetting to buy the sugar necessary to complete the preparation of the beverage,
There are also the necessary tools during any recipe including spoons, ladles, scales, as well as a special boiling system and finally the glass bottles or aluminum cans in which you can pour the product once the preparation is completed.
In view of everything that might be necessary and that you could, by force of things, risk forgetting, our advice is to rely on the right kit in which you will easily find everything you need to give free rein to your desire to do.
Finally, if the costs relating to the maintenance of your hobby are concerned, apart from the kit and tools that do not cost too much, it must be taken into consideration that the necessary raw materials can undergo the variations of the agricultural market and that, taking into account Also of the consumption of water and gas, the estimate of the production cost of homemade beer is between the euro and two euros per liter, but it is still necessary to take into account the complexity of the preparation process that was chosen as well as the originality of the refined flavor.

The steps to follow

After buying the kit to make beer at home on Iperbriko and the glass bottles in which to store the drink once the preparation has been completed, you will have to proceed with some steps in such a way that you can prepare the drink in an orderly and without difficulty of any kind .
First of all, it is necessary to sanitize and clean all the necessary tools for the preparation of beer, remembering to check the gaskets and therefore any losses to avoid errors during the process.
Once everything sanitized everything, proceed to heat the malt for the beer in a water bath for a decida of minutes and in a separate pot, heat two-three liters of water inside a pot that can accommodate at least 5 liters; Once the time is finished, open the heated jar and pour the contents inside the pot.
At this point it is necessary to add the amount of must indicated on the jar, then turn on the fire and warm everything up stirring constantly, turning off the flame to the vision of the first bubbles (just before it starts to boil).
At this point, place the pot inside the sink filled with cold water and, if possible, of the ice, so as to let it cool, remembering to mix it from time to time until it is possible to touch the pot quietly.
At this point you can pour, on the basis of the size of the chosen kit, some liters of cold water inside the fermenter and subsequently storing the cooled malt, then adding the water necessary to achieve the production volume indicated on the label of the Malto purchased .
Once verified that the fermentator temperature is around 20-22 ° C then you can pour the baking powder bag into it, taking care to sprinkle its content homogeneously on the surface, waiting for the necessary time so that this rehydrates.
Then mix the must vigorously for a couple of minutes, then proceeding to the test on the density with the tools in the kit, once sure that the value found corresponds to that of the "initial density", close the fermented and let it all ferment for Seven days, checking from so much so that the temperature remains constant.
After the seven days, check the density again: if this is ¼ of the initial value then the process is concluded, vice versa, wait a few more days.
Once the fermentation is finished, you can proceed with bottling and maturation, leaving the bottles in a vertical position for about a month at a temperature of 18-24 ° C and your beer is ready to be enjoyed!

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