Wall TV: this is how to choose the brackets

June 10, 2024

Tv a parete: ecco come scegliere le staffe

If you have purchased a new wall on the wall and you are wondering how to choose the know brackets that we have prepared for you a series of characteristics suitable for the choice of a support that allows you to hang it on the wall, whether your goal is to fix it to the Wall, whether it is to be able to orient it outwards in the best position to be able to look at it comfortably on the bed or on the sofa.
The advantage deriving from the choice of brackets is certainly to take advantage of a comfortable and aesthetically beautiful tool to see, as well as not very cumbersome, essential for those small houses in which space management must be reasoned at best and in the smallest details.
To date, TV is a real design object and not just a high -tech tool, which is why wall installation turns out to be the best choice to avoid having to see all those cables and at the same time in order to take advantage of Massimo the now minimal thickness of today's TV, obtaining a beautiful effect to be seen on TV again.
The installation of wall TV and consequent choice of brackets is certainly less immediate than the classic installation of the pedestal, however you will not regret the choice at all, indeed you will have the opportunity to manage the position, orientation, the height from Earth and the like, managing to obtain more space for other furnishing elements, a room with an evident character and an optimal vision of the same.

The types to choose from

For wall TV, choose the brackets can be demanding, especially if you are in possession of particular needs in terms of design and viewing it, but fortunately on the market it is possible to find different types of brackets that can be chosen both For their functionality and for their consistency with the rest of the environment, whether it is the living room or that it is the bedroom.
A first way to choose the brackets of the wall on the wall can be to take into consideration the thickness of the screen: the more this is the more discreet dish will have to be the brackets in such a way as to create a perfect combination, but you can still pay attention to both connections of the TV in order to make the connections quickly and quickly, as well as evaluate the distance between the screen and the sofa, the armchair or the bed.
Among the different types we find:

  • Fixed support: it is the simplest of the wall supports on the wall, it is neither tilting nor adjustable but this allows you to fix the TV permanently at the desired height as well as almost adhering to the wall due to its poor size

  • Fixing bracket on guides: these are the best wall brackets for the plasterboard panels due to the large surface and for the attacks and are also able to reduce the space between the wall and the screen

  • CONSTERABLE BRACKET: it is one of the most sought after solutions in recent times because of the possibility that it offers to be able to tilt and turn the TV in all directions (right, left, up or down) in the most complete versatility, the The only flaw is that it occupies more space than the previous types due to the support arm for TV

  • Tilly bracket: it is the best solution for those who want to store their TV at the top, perhaps in the bedroom, to be able to direct it better towards the bed (it can be inclined upwards or down)

  • Adjustable bracket: these are brackets for walls with walls extensible in height and/or width both fixed and adjustable, with or without cover, equipped or not of articulated arm which can be particularly indicated for curved and/or heavier screens that the make atypical screens particularly suitable 

The fundamental choice criteria

Choosing the brackets for wall TV requires the satisfaction of some criteria that is better to know before proceeding with the instinctive choice among the various available on the market and of which we presented the main types.
Among the criteria to be taken into account there is in first place the type of wall on which the brackets for the wall on the wall will be mounted, nowadays, in fact, the walls and divisory walls most present in the houses are the sandwiches in plasterboard (cava wall), while the load -bearing walls are in concrete, bricks (full wall) or in cell concrete (crumbly wall).
Based on the type of wall, it is convenient to choose the type of piece, evaluating in this sense the weight that this is able to support, in the case of full walls you can choose any of the types of brackets called above, while in the case of Cave walls is better to opt for brackets with a greater fixing surface in order to allow the correct weight distribution on the wall.
Another important criterion to know before choosing the brackets for wall TV is that of the weight of the screen in order to choose brackets that have a maximum load compatible with that of TV, always opting for a support that manages to support slightly weights superior in order to leave a certain safety margin.
Do not forget, moreover, to evaluate the size of the screen and in particular the diagonal of the TV, remembering to express it in centimeters (to convert the thumbs in cm just multiply the data in your possession by 2.54) so ​​as to choose the correct size .
Finally, the distance between the wall and the TV must also be well calculated in order to be able to perform the connections correctly, the distance between the holes for the fixing screws is also established by the VESA standard, a real rule International adopted by the producers of televisions and which must be respected for the arrangement of the supports.

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