Summer and winter maintenance of the gutters: a complete guide

June 10, 2024

Manutenzione estiva e invernale delle grondaie: Una guida completa

When it comes to the maintenance of the gutters, the mind immediately goes to the winter months, when the risk of frost can endanger the integrity of the structure. In reality, however, even in the hottest months it is necessary to pay attention to the correct hygiene and the periodic cleaning of the gutter. In this article we will explain how to proceed in complete safety to carry out proper summer and winter maintenance.

What are the gutters for and how are they made?

The gutters are channels installed along the roof of the which collect and direct rainwater away from the walls, windows, coverings and foundations of the house. Generally they are made of metal, such as aluminum or galvanized steel, but can also be built in wood (although it is less common). The aim of the gutters is to protect the house is protected from damage caused by water, as well as preventing the erosion of the soil and flooding around the foundations. The gutters must be cleaned and maintained to remain functional, which should be done both in the summer and winter months.

Summer maintenance

In the summer months, the cleaning of the gutter is essential to avoid the accumulation of dirt and leaves that could clog it. To do this, you must first remove the largest debris from the gutters with one broom Or a trowel, before cleaning them with water and cleanser. Make sure to wear protective clothing such as i gloves they safety glasses To avoid contact with potentially harmful cleaning products. In addition, if the gutter is very high, you must use an appropriate staircase, being careful not to lean too much on the walls and never stay on the tiles or other precarious supports. Buy the Tools for maintenance of the Grondai from Hyperbric!

Winter maintenance

As for winter maintenance, it is necessary to clean the gutters before the arrival of the first frost. At this point it will be necessary to remove all the leaves and other debris that could block or damage the system. Once clean, you have to inspect the gutter to verify that there are no cracks or damage, as well as cleaning and inspecting the plumbers to verify that they are not obstructed. If there are very dirty areas, you can use a special cleaning product to dissolve them. Finally, in case of strong snowfall, it is necessary to verify that the gutters and pluviales are not clogged, making or cleaning if necessary.

The gutter is blocked: how to free it?

If the gutter is obstructed and the cleaning does not solve the problem, it is necessary to rescue the gutter with a cockpit hook. Using this tool, move it gently through obstruction until it can be removed by hand. If necessary, eliminate the debris left in the gutter with a garden tube or a hydropulinress. Make sure to protect nearby plants from chemicals for high pressure cleaning. If the clog persists, it may be necessary to contact a professional

How to repair the cracks of a gutter?

The cracks of the gutters can cause water leaks and structural damage. To repair the cracks, it is important first to clean the area with a metal brush and remove the loose debris. Then, depending on the type of gutters material, it must use a sealant or a specific repair compound for metal or plastic gutters. Once applied, the sealant or the repair mixture must be left to dry for several hours before checking the presence of losses. If the cracks are too large, it may be necessary to replace the entire section of the gutter. For very extensive repairs, it is recommended to consult a professional.

How to replace the eaves?

In some cases, it may be necessary to completely replace the gutters. This is particularly true for the oldest systems that are corroded or damaged irreparablely. To replace a system of gutters, you must first measure and cut the new sections according to the size. Therefore, the existing gutter system must be removed and the new sections must be installed in their office. The new hooks or brackets of the gutters must be fixed to the roof and walls before connecting each section of the new gutter. Finally, it is necessary to connect the multiplasses, ensuring that the water flows safely away from the foundations. For a safer installation, it is recommended to contact a professional to receive assistance in this task.


The cleaning and maintenance of the gutters can be a boring but essential task to protect the structure from the damage caused by ice or crash. Taking care of the gutters regularly is an important part of domestic maintenance, to maintain adequate drainage and prevent the damage caused by water to the house. By following the indications outlined in this article you can correctly keep the gutters both during the summer and winter months. Dedicating time to regular cleaning and maintenance can save you time, money and long -term problems.

If regular maintenance of gutters is too demanding for you, there are many professionals who can assist you in cleaning and repairs. A professional cleaning professional or a repair service can clean the gutters, carry out the necessary repairs and replace the sections if necessary. They will also be able to recommend the best products and techniques to keep the gutters clean and in good condition. Before making a decision, inquire about their experience and the services offered. The care of the gutters must not be a difficult or expensive task in terms of time if we make use of the help of a professional.  

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