Pave the garden: here is ideas and solutions for you

June 10, 2024

Pavimentare il giardino: ecco idee e soluzioni per te

The flooring of the garden responds to different needs and to the type of green space to be set up: path, path, relaxation area or dining area. To each use, its pavement as long as it is suitable for the outside and to resist external climatic conditions. It is important that the materials are in harmony with the external environment and preferably in natural shades, such as wood and wood -like. Some interesting proposals that combine quality and price are offered by Iperbriko. Among the various types are cited the treated wooden tile 50x50, the traditional Gray Gray Tile 40x40 or the Wooden tile 100x100x3.8 cm and finally the tile for walkway for garden a Mezzaluna “Bonfante". But let's see in detail what are the types and materials to pave the garden that you also find from Hyperbric.

Design the outdoor space and the flooring

Whether it is an external area for relaxation or a functional pedestrian crossing, the design is an important phase that can be entrusted to a professional, but if you are able to do it yourself and have clear ideas, you can also to do independently. The important things to evaluate are:

  • The integration of garden lighting confatting to the style and space available;
  • The choice of materials that in addition to being aesthetically beautiful must above all be functional.

If the need is to set up an external dining area or a living room, it is necessary to evaluate the size of the table, chairs or outdoor sofa or beds. When, on the other hand, it is a question of providing for a walkway - such as a path or path - you have to imagine and mark the line of route that will have to connect the starting point to the final one. Finally, there is the possibility of paving the entire outdoor space without leaving green or meadow areas. Once the project is defined, the materials are chosen based on size and design choices made.

The materials to pave the garden

One of the most used materials in the flooring and decoration of the garden is undoubtedly the wood which makes the environment very natural and classic at the same time, a little Zen style. Obviously they are wood suitably treated for outsiders. However, over time it requires maintenance and regular substitutions of the parts that ruin. To make a garden with Japanese -style wooden flooring, you need to excavate the desired dimensions, cover the area to be paved with gravel first and then the sand and uniform the surface passing a special roller. The wooden slats (or even the wooden tiles) must be fixed to support strips and slightly (a few millimeters) spaced together to allow the outflow of rainwater and avoid stagnation. The placed wooden floor must then be treated with at least two impregnating hands to prolong the duration of the wood. The Prefabricated wooden tiles Like those proposed by Iperbriko are an excellent solution, practice and easy to assemble. 

The pallet - or i wooden pallets - They can be excellent design solutions to make floors to cover the garden or to create platforms to delimit the relaxation area or lunch. The pallets are easily recyclable and used in various ways such as platforms, such as lounges to be covered with cushions, as a planters. Paintings and lacquereds acquire completely value and dignity and are very useful.

There stone flooring, stones And gravel It is another functional alternative to pave a garden. For the installation it is necessary to first carry out the excavation necessary to facilitate its support, inside the excavation a layer of sand is spread on which to place the stones or the gravel. The area covered with gravel must always be protected by containment curbs to prevent the material from expanding or comes out. This type of flooring is often used in the creation of flower beds and borders and is also the simplest solution. However, the irregularity of a garden with gravel does not facilitate the support of furnishings, also periodically it is necessary to reposition the gravel with a rake to homogeneously redistributing the pebbles.

Another type of flooring with stone is the use of Flats or tiles of at least 2 cm thick to be placed directly on the ground. Often the porcelain stoneware, porphyry or slate slabs are spaced slightly together to ensure that the grass grows among the escapes to give a natural effect.

Coat the garden with the synthetic grass

How can you maintain the pleasure of a green and grassy garden, soft and beautiful to see without the negative sides of maintenance and irrigation? The alternative option is to apply thesynthetic grass. It is the ideal choice because it is economic compared to the maintenance of a real lawn, it is easy to apply and is resistant to the weather. The synthetic lawn - made with very likely materials - is also aesthetically pleasant and is always in order in all seasons. The pavement with synthetic grass is increasingly used also to cover terraces or large balconies. It is particularly functional for those with irrigation problems or in the assuming areas, but you do not want to give up the pleasure of walking on a turf.

With regard to the laying, the synthetic lawn is placed on a background of earth, in natural grass or other. The synthetic "carpet" is sold in rolls. The only particular attention is required in positioning the grassy coat in the same direction. The use of a simple cutter facilitates the cutting of the synthetic clods to be able to adapt them to the surface to be covered. When we place more rolls, you need to have the concern to use the joint bands for gluing so that the profiles of the rolls can well match.

Finally, there are some types of synthetic grassy rugs on which the homogeneous spreading of sand is required which then must be raked to facilitate their penetration between the tufts of grass.

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