Solar garden lamps: our advice

June 10, 2024

Lampade solari da giardino: i nostri consigli

Light up correctly your garden is a factor of practicality, Of safety and, why not, also of aesthetics.
In recent years, more and more people have re -evaluated the importance and beauty of one Outer space And for this you are looking for the best solutions for correct lighting of the garden.
The tendency to consider i lighting bodies real real Design elements it is increasingly widespread, making the spaces open of the well -kept places, which is why they are increasingly spreading solar garden lamps.
L'utility of an enlightened garden It is evident above all during autumn and winter, when the hours of light are reduced and find themselves with the illuminated garden It is a real pleasure, as well as a factor of safety And hospitality.
For this reason we advise you to let you transport by multiple solutions today present on the market, thus going to create a well -enlightened garden and at the same time beautiful to see each other aesthetically, perhaps by choosing coordinated solutions with the style of your home.

The design

Before you can buy the solar garden lamps right for the satisfaction of your needs, it is necessary to better evaluate the space in such a way as to know the necessary number and the best points in which to insert them in such a way as to get correct lighting.
The first thing to do is to identify which are the passing areas, that is, those that need greater lighting.
For example, if your goal is to illuminate the entrance driveway then you should evaluate if Place the solar garden lamps laterally or whether to opt for solutions collected in the ground.
Among other things to evaluate are certainly the overlap and the dark areas. Two lighting bodies positioned in very close to each other can give one double lighting, which is fine if it were a aesthetically sought after factor, which constitutes an error if this causes areas that remain dark.
Once these general assessments have been made, you can proceed with the Choice of solar garden lamps more suitable for your needs, evaluating for example also theheight from the ground.

How to choose them

To choose the solar garden lamps Numerous elements must be taken into consideration to be able to make a conscious purchase.
For our part we will try to provide you with all useful information and necessary for the purchase of these lighting bodies that more and more are spreading for the lighting of the external environments.
The Garden solar lamps they are so popular because they allow you to illuminate your garden Without having to make any connection to the electrical network, which is why they are more recommended to those with difficulties of this type.
As for the power of the light emitted from this type of solution, know since now that the solar garden lamps I am unable to guarantee a level of lighting equal to the classic system connected to the eletricity grid. The light of solar garden lamps, as it is easily intuitive, it is less intense than the classic plants because they feed exclusively through the radiation of the sun.
The effectiveness and functionality of the solar garden lamps It therefore depends on environmental factors and therefore the result is not easily predictable or guaranteed.
As for the positioning and design of the solar garden lamps, know that, unlike others lighting systems designed for the outside, these must be constantly exposed to sunrays during the whole day.
For this reason, it is necessary, during the design phase, make sure that you correctly evaluate the position to be given to each solar lamp purchased. Avoid exposing sunscreen in the north because these would never take only and therefore they would not be functional, also avoid places where the irradiation is somehow compromised.
As regards the design of the solar garden lamps, these are all equipped with external panels to be able to work, which is why they don't always like aesthetically.
For this reason, in fact, if your goal is illuminate the garden For purely aesthetic reasons, then the solar garden lamps are not the suitable solution to you, these do not embellish it, but if the goal is merely functional, then it is certainly the solution suitable for you.
With regard to The installation of solar garden lamps, know that it is a convenient choice for those who have difficulty connecting to the electrical network, also allowing you to save on the long run on the cost of energy.
However, i prices from the solar garden lamps They are not contained and the recovery of the initial expenditure is not immediate, which is why, to avoid making excessive and unsuccessful expenses, it may be more convenient to contact a expert staff in the sector.
Then take into account the costs of any maintenance interventions, as well as the costs relating to Battery replacement which, also for the solar garden lamps better quality, it reaches a maximum of eight years.

Which type to choose

Given the widespread diffusion of recent years, the market has increasingly projected towards better and more suitable solutions to the public, also from an aesthetic point of view, as far as possible.
There are in fact the solar projectors which are particularly suitable to the lighting of the passing areas Like the way or the entrance door, potentially combined with a movement sensor.
Then we have i solar spotlights which can be used to illuminate or to report, or be staken in the ground for highlight the plants of your garden.
Then there are i solar lamps, suitable for illuminate larger areas In addition to delimiting spaces.

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