Garden solar fountains: why choose them for their outsiders

June 10, 2024

Fontane solari da giardino: perchè sceglierle per i propri esterni

Owning a beautiful garden inside your home allows you to have a green space where you can relax and let your children play freely or the dog. For those who, on the other hand, loved the pleasant company of friends, it is always possible to organize small receptions or holidays. A garden therefore offers many opportunities for relaxation and fun, alone or in company. However, this green space requires care and consonation furniture.

And speaking of furniture, in recent years the so -called solar garden fountains have been spreading more and more. An element that fits into its green corner of the house, as we will see better later, and that allows you to embellish it in an original way and at the same time limiting the costs. There are several models and materials, managing to satisfy every kind of need. Let's see better in what the garden fountains consist of, how they work and what the existing types.

What is a solar fountain and how it works

This is nothing more than a furnishing solution for the garden similar to traditional fountains and that can embellish its own green space in a very scenic way. However, to make this accessory different from the common ones is the operating system, much more ecological and above all less expensive on an economic level. In fact, in the traditional fountain there is a circuit that allows you to make the water move and that is powered through electricity.

In the solar fountain, however, the circuit is powered with photovoltaic panels, without any use of electricity, but of the sunny one, with the reduction of the related costs of use. The operation of this furnishing element is simple: in the part exposed to the sun's rays, in addition to the actual fountain, there are photovoltaic panels resistant to water and which capture sunlight, to store it in an storage battery . The circuit immediately uses this energy to support the water flow.

On cloudy or rainy days, the system can be automatically turned off. Therefore, the fountain tends to take action on sunny days, while when this is lacking, the same stops. However, the solar panels used can be of variable size, small or medium -sized, and their electric charge can vary between 4.8 and 9 volts. The maximum flow of the water of the fountain, then, reaches 210 liters per hour. If, the same system can be off through a simple switch.

Types of solar garden fountains

The models available on the market and which allow you to furnish their home garden are many and differ in size, styles and materials used (as we will see, in stone, rock or granite). As for the dimensions, they range from smaller solar fountains (40 centimeters in height for 50 width) to medium -sized ones (in which the height also reaches 60 centimeters), while large ones also go beyond the metro. 

The choice of a model must be based on one's needs, on the type and size of the garden and on the kind of effect you want to obtain. A solar stone fountain perhaps with pavement effect, for example, is more suitable for those extensive green spaces, in which it is possible to install a fountain of medium or large size. The ideal would be the insertion in a green flowerbed of an Italian garden, in order to enhance its beauty and shapes. 

If, on the other hand, you want to obtain a great scenographic effect, then the best solution is a solar fountain in the rock. These are made up of three or four levels of water scrolling and find themselves in different styles, from those with stones hoped to those made of granite. The fountain in the rock with waterfall tends to be suitable for those Japanese -style gardens, as they give the environment an effect of peace and tranquility and, at the same time, a pleasant visual impact. 

For those who, on the other hand, have a rustic -style green area, then the best solution is a solar garden fountain in jar, able to give this environment the right scenography and aesthetic beauty. If desired, it is also possible to insert LED lights, even colored, to give an even more suggestive and fascinating night visual effect to observe. Recall that some fountains are also equipped with miniature "birds" to be installed on the edges of the same, in order to create a further graceful embellishment.

Another model available on the market is the granite solar fountain, with an elegant and refined style, particularly suitable for classic gardens. Made with multiple levels, this type has greater stability of the structure and a larger water mouth. In addition, you can choose between two types of power supply: the solar and traditional energy one through domestic electricity current and then using a cable to attach to an electrical outlet.

Advantages and disadvantages of solar garden fountains

Choosing to install this kind of furnishing solution in your green home space offers several benefits. First of all, a lower expenditure for domestic electricity, as the fountains use an effective solar energy system. In addition, the purchase and installation costs are also really reduced compared to a traditional fountain. The same goes for maintenance costs. On aesthetic level, the beauty of the solar models is identical to common fountains, thanks to the variety of types and styles available.

As far as any disadvantages are concerned, a possible negative element is their reduced operation in the absence of sunlight, as indeed any other element that is based on this kind of nutrition. In addition, in the event of extreme weather conditions, solar panels could be damaged, with related repair costs. However, for some models, there are batteries that allow you to have a certain autonomy, albeit short (about 2 hours). The costs of these fountains do not exceed, in general, 100 euros. 

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