DIY vertical garden: cost and realization

June 10, 2024

Giardino verticale fai da te: costo e realizzazione

To create a vertical garden, you can contact several technical companies in the sector. This is at least necessary, because the installation on the facades of the buildings or on walls whose dimensions are extended, it is not easy. If you want to make an internal garden, then there are simple do -it -yourself ways, which are also very cheap.

One of the most immediate and do -it -yourself systems for the vertical garden is that of the pockets, in which the plants are inserted. They are real felt panels on which pockets are structured, designed specifically to contain various vegetable substances, with different sizes and textures. The pockets are usually made with a humidity -resistant material, so it is possible to apply them on different wall surfaces without the risk of incurring the formation of mold. Alternatively it is possible to choose surface vases, designed precisely for the interiors of the vertical gardens: inside these vases an insulating substrate is applied for the plant. After inserting the plant, the appropriate hooks on the wall apply, which will support the weight of the pot and seedling. On the market you can find containers whose dimensions are varied and different and it is strongly not recommended to resort to the half plastic bottles, which would dry out the roots and would not revive the plant itself.

In some circumscribed cases, if the garden must be built inside a balcony, it is possible to choose pallets, which must be designed as supports for the plants vessels, which will be fixed between a sauce and the next. For this specific type of surface, small plants are recommended that can be easily supported and which can also give small fruits for their cuisine, such as strawberries or cherry tomatoes. 

Faced with all this beauty, you have to deal with the costs, which depend in all respects on the size of your vertical garden. The most purchased panels, that is, the 80x60 cm ones cost about 80 euros, which must be added the cost of the soil and the seedlings, which can change from case to case. It is also true that today there is no shortage of do -it -yourself solutions, in fact on the market you can find many economic and practical solutions to be able to maintain your garden. Finally, thanks to the green thrust of recent times, in some countries the construction of the vertical gardens is encouraged, thanks to important tax deductions designed for a frequent growth of urban green.

How do you take care of a vertical garden?

The idea of ​​verticality can, at first, frighten. Perhaps because the idea of ​​always taking the scale to water our friends creates doubts about the security issue. Compared to this problem, you must not be afraid, because the irrigation systems designed for the vertical gardens, today, are reduced to the activation of a simple button. It should also be noted that the cultivation method chosen for the verticalized green is such and which for the horizontal one: there is a base of soil which, with the system mentioned above or with a sprayer, is periodically irritated. Parallel to the classic soil there are those who use the drip hydroponic system, or a system applied on the highest part of the garden so, instead of the soil, a compound of coconut fiber is used, expanded clay and perlite. The hydroponic system is often the most appreciated, because it allows many solutions, which allow a strong adaptability of the numerous surfaces and supports that are used for the construction of the garden. 

However, even before the maintenance of your garden it would be appropriate to select the plants: this destination changes according to the climatic conditions of the environment within which you want to create the garden, based on the exposure on that area and in relation to the orament. Exemplary are the climbing plants, which are capable of developing in height quickly and cascade plants, which instead grow down. If these two types are not loved, you can always choose small always green plants and whose growth is contained, so that the commitment and maintenance towards the garden can be limited during the week.

Strongly popular, as an environment within which to make the garden, is the kitchen: this is because it is possible to populate the vertical garden of aromatic herbs such as sage, lavender, rosemary and cedrine grass. This mix creates an incredible variety of perfumes and culinary advantages. This of the aromatic herbs, however, is only a gem, because generally for the vertical gardens there are resistant plants such as ferns, philodendrus and ficus, or species that survive adversity.

The benefits of gardening: what is a vertical garden?

Loving green is not limited to watering the plant all year or find the jar Just for the new Christmas star, but it means having continually cure and study towards our beloved roommates. Often having an exterior would seem to be a fundamental requirement to be able to cure plants but, thanks to the last frontiers of gardening, the concept of vertical forest and vertical garden are increasingly advancing within people's domestic spaces. If you do not have so much space but you are equipped with a good dose of enthusiasm to treat green, you don't have to fear, because your favorite plants can be easily grown thanks to constant care and small tricks. Making a vertical garden is not only a conquest for those who do not have an exterior, but represents a real cure -all for their mind and for the elegance of the domestic environment. This is because the concept of vertical garden implies a planning and setting that can give, to those who make it, a real methodology to problems. In fact, Herman Hesse said "it is not easy to have a beautiful garden: it is difficult to govern a kingdom". But what is specifically a vertical garden? It is a real project that has become part of the domestic life of many European environments since recent years, especially in the most avant -garde spaces. The vertical garden contains numerous compositions and plants of different origins and species. The plants are positioned in specific pots, which are fixed thanks to special panels or anchored to the external or internal wall of the supporting structure. The vertical gardens are highly appreciated not only for their heterogeneous concentration of plants, but also because they represent a type of set -up strongly adaptable to all types of environment: they can be found inside the premises, in homes or residences, inside of open space spaces and even within public structures. Its versatility has no equal and, for this reason, it is so widespread in the cities with numerous skyscrapers. 

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