Treat the garden, how to choose Tagliasiepi and Tosaerba

June 10, 2024

Curare il giardino, come scegliere tagliasiepi e tosaerba

For those lucky ones who have a home with a garden, this represents a precious corner of the house where you can relax with their children or play with your dog or, again, where to organize beautiful summer dinners in the company of friends and relatives. The beauty and, at the same time, the usefulness of this green area are truly unique. However, like any other corner of the house, the garden must be treated, as it needs attention and regard, to always keep it beautiful and in perfect condition.

The care of a garden needs time, patience, ability, but also adequate tools to keep it clean and keep it in the ideal conditions to be able to take advantage of it when you want. Among the indispensable tools from this point of view there are undoubtedly cuts and tosaerba. But how to choose them and what characteristics they must possess in order to carry out their purpose in an optimal way and therefore maintain their garden with care and welcoming? So let's see how to choose Tagliasiepi and Tosaerba.

The hedges and their pruning

The pruning of the hedges represents a fundamental activity to keep them with attention to them and have a beautiful and hospitable garden and should be usually made in two distinct periods of the year: in spring (specifically at early March) and in the autumn (in practice in October ). The hedges, of course, must be cleared in the precise and above all necessary points of the garden, to prevent them from taking confused or otherwise different forms from those desired. And to blaze them it is necessary to identify the most suitable cutter.

The types of cutters and what their important characteristics

The electric cutter has an electric motor powered by a cable and highlights a certain lightness and handling. It tends to be used in small or medium amplitude gardens, in which there is still a connection to the electricity grid near the hedges on which to work on. Negative aspect is the presence of the cable, which sometimes could hinder the work to be done and therefore cause a certain disturbance.

The battery cutter is equipped with an engine but powered by a special battery precisely and can also be used in those gardens where there is no connection to the electric current. This type of middle can be used in various types of gardens, however the negative element is the battery that has a limited duration and requires charging. However, on the market there are models that offer long -lasting batteries (up to 100 minutes) or equipped with a reserve battery, to replace the exhausted one.

The bursting cutter represents, however, the best for power and performance and is usually used by expert gardeners, to carry out professional work. The engine supplied is powered by petrol and mixture. Most negative aspects of this type of appliance are the generally consistent weight (at least 4 kg), the noise and substances emitted during operation.

The elements to be considered before making the purchase of a cutter are manifold: the weight, the convenience of its handle, the type and length of the blades. To this is also added the kind of branches and hedges to be treated. If the branches are small and fine, the battery cutting cutting is ideal, as it is very comfortable and handy. If the branches are large and robust, then the bursting or electric cutter are more adequate in this case.

The Tosaerba on the market and the characteristics to be careful

These devices to cut the garden grass are really comfortable tools to treat your green corner of the house and differ according to some main features, such as nutrition and performance provided. Of course, choosing the model most suitable for your needs depends on various factors, including also garden size, type of feed of favorite tosaerba and type of soil.

The manual cutter represents the simplest and most practical model. In fact, it does not have the engine and works with manual thrust, it is suitable for gardens up to 100 square meters and with ornamental grass. The practicality and reduced maintenance necessary are its positive aspects. Its really simple structure is made up of two wheels, a helical blade and a handle.

The electric cutter, on the other hand, is equipped with a scooter, which connects via cable to an electrical outlet located nearby. This model is handy and light and works, usually, in push. Ideal solution for condominium gardens or in the city, as they are silent and non -polluting, and for those who are little familiar with combustion engines. Their maintenance is minimal, as well as their cost.

The battery cutting cuts presents the undisputed advantage of being able to be used without electrical cables and is the most suitable model for small or medium -sized gardens. In addition, as a device, it is very handy and simple to use. Some models, then, offer battery and charger that can also be used with other gardening tools of the same series, such as cutters and brushcutters.

The combustion cutter, on the other hand, offers high performance and power and is usually used for cleaning large gardens (over 1,000 square meters) and for very heavy activities, such as the cutting of grass up to 40 cm high. Negative aspects are noise and their weight. However, they also need a careful and periodic maintenance and care. The cost, of course, is higher than the previous models.

In the choice of the tosaerba most suitable for your needs, you need to take into consideration several aspects, as we mentioned. First of all, the power of the vehicle, on which the possibility of making more demanding cuts depends; Then we have the material of the frame, which affects the overall weight of the tosaerba; Furthermore, also the practicality and handling of the latter are important factors. Finally, the choice is influenced, as mentioned, also by the size of the garden and the type of soil you work on.

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