Synthetic lawn, here's how to choose the best for your home

June 10, 2024

Prato sintetico, ecco come scegliere il migliore per la propria casa

Some homes present a large outdoor space, but which unfortunately cannot be used as a traditional garden with the usual herb and the ground. However, despite this, you can choose to make a synthetic lawn, which can provide the same sensations as a true traditional and some advantages compared to the latter: such as avoiding a complex and periodic maintenance or the absence of various insects or land that can dirty children during the game.

Therefore, many and different can be the advantages of a similar choice. However, also for Buy a synthetic lawn You need to make careful evaluations and acquire useful information, so that this choice is the best and above all more suitable for your own or family needs. So let's try to get to know what better Types of synthetic lawn They exist and what features we have to pay more attention before launching ourselves in the purchase.

What is a synthetic lawn and what types exist there

Synthetic grass or also synthetic lawn It is nothing more than a soft flooring that tends to recreate a natural lawn, but is actually made of plastic artificial material. Initially its use was intended for various sports fields, from football to tennis ones, however over time it has had wide diffusion even in small and large private homes, such as pavement for balconies, patios, gardens in arid areas and areas neighboring to the swimming pools.

As for the types of synthetic lawn, there are three: carpet, mats and professional and also differ in the thickness of the material. There carpet It has a minimum thickness and is suitable for covering vertical spaces. There mat Instead it can be low -sheet or with a coat of about 14 mm and is destined to cover terraces or balconies. The Professional synthetic lawn It offers a straw root that binds to an underlying surface in soil and the threads are in polypropylene And it reproduces a real natural grass mantle well.

There is another important difference to which you have to be careful, in fact there are Synthetic meadows in sand carving And the prefinite ones. In the first case, the synthetic grass is filled with sand and this allows you to have a more realistic appearance, but above all cushioning any falls (therefore suitable, for example, for children's game areas). A Prefinite synthetic lawn, on the other hand, presents the advantage of being easily removable and therefore suitable for temporary covers.

Synthetic lawn, what characteristics we must pay attention to

The material of the fibers of a synthetic lawn It is an important factor of choice. There are wires of grass in polyamide, polypropylene and polyethylene. A lawn with a combination of the first two is excellent, however the polyethylene It offers a total resistance to wear and cold (especially if outdoors) truly remarkable. For the length of these threads, the short ones (6-20 mm) are recommended for the interiors, as they retain the dust, while the longer ones (greater than 25 mm) provide an image of natural lawn.

For those people who intend to use a Synthetic exterior lawn, the presence of drainage holes, in order to avoid the stagnation of the water. It is necessary to opt for a lawn that offers at least one permeability level of 30 liters of water per minute per square meter. The absence of sand also promotes, in this case, a better drainage. Of course, the more dense is the lawn (and therefore heavier) and the better its surrender and therefore its quality will be.

In the choice of the synthetic lawn most suitable for our needs, the destination or kind of use of the same is also important. For example, for external use (large terraces, patii or gardens) a product that is resistant to UV solar rays and allows a good drainage of the water is fundamental. If you want to insert this Synthetic lawn by the pool, an anti -wheek treatment is useful and important.

As for the Prices of a synthetic lawn, they differ according to its thickness, the chosen type and the realization materials. However, in a very indicative way, we generally start from 7-10 euros/m2 for the meadows with a reduced thickness (about 6 mm) and of discreet quality to reach even the 50-70 euros/sqm than those of greater thickness and better overall quality.

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