Suspension lamps: a design choice

June 10, 2024

Lampade a sospensione: una scelta di design

Among the trends of the moment, as regards the furniture, we certainly find this type of lamps, very popular especially in homes characterized by particularly modern environments.

The suspension lamps have been created in order to give the impression of being suspended in the void. The main structure, in fact, is supported by very fine threads, more or less long, which join with the ceiling. In this way the impression deliberately given by the optical effect is that the main structure is floating in the air, giving the environment an extremely modern and avant -garde design touch.

How to choose the suspension lamp more fitting

When we talk about suspension lamps, the fundamental aspect to consider is certainly the aesthetic one that is a type of chandelier that loves to be noticed and that once inserted in the room will play the leading role. For this reason, if you decide to buy a suspension lamp you will have to make sure that the model you have chosen can create the right harmony with the other elements inside the room in question.

So, in this regard, you will have to evaluate some aspects of fundamental importance, which will help you choose the suspension lamp that best suits the design of the room in which you want to insert it. Let's see together, in the next paragraphs what are the aesthetic aspects to be considered before purchasing your new suspension lamp.


Firstly, you will have to evaluate the size of the lamp, in fact, if the room that will host it is very large you can venture a model that knows how to enhance it better and fill it efficiently and at the same time delicate and harmonious. On the contrary, in a small room you will have to choose a less large model so that it can best adapt to the size of the room.


Taking a tour of the various furniture stores or between the various online shops, you will realize that there are actually a variety of extremely different forms, from the simplest and most minimal up to the most extravagant ones. The choice obviously in addition to reflecting your personal taste, will also have to meet the design of the host room. The goal is to choose an elegant model but that does not remain anonymous in the eyes of your guests.


Finally, we have the color. Also in this case it is necessary to choose a color that approaches well with the rest of the design. The suspension lamp, generally represents a piece of furniture with which you can dare a little, so we recommend a color capable of detaching the monotony of the room, but which, at the same time, creates harmony with the other colors present.

In which room to put a suspension chandelier

Given the exuberance of suspension chandeliers, not all rooms are suitable for hosting them. In fact, generally, a lamp of this type of display in the living room or in the dining room where it helps to create a pleasant and design environment. In addition, it is necessary to have the right arrangement of spaces because this lighting system finds the right balance. For example, inside a bathroom, a room in which different types of movements are carried out, it is little indicated to put a suspension lamp, as it could be uncomfortable and out of place. In the bedroom, however, it could be a good idea, but we recommend an extremely basic model with little invasive colors. The place where you sleep must have a soft and relaxed atmosphere, the insertion of too extravagant shapes or too bright colors could definitively compromise this balance. In conclusion, according to our opinion, the most suitable domestic environment to host a suspension lamp and to give vent to your imagination is certainly the living room or living room.

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