Solar lamps, let's find out what they are

June 10, 2024

Lampade solari, scopriamo cosa sono

In recent years, both in Italy and in other countries, a certain sensitivity has spread to the theme ofenergy saving, understood as a reduction in economic costs in the use of several plants in a house or community for carrying out various activities. Starting from all this, in each home we now tend to use products that ensure this energy saving, also taking advantage of alternative and above all clean sources of energy, such as the sunny one.

Among the elements that allow to obtain a traditional source of light in a house, but with minimal if not really null consumption, there are the so -called solar lamps. These are spreading more and more and are enjoying considerable success, also thanks to the creation of aesthetically beautiful products and adaptable to different environments. These sources of alternative light tend to be used especially in garden, to replace traditional ones. Let's find out what these consist of solar lamps.

What are solar lamps

These are normal lampposts or lamps, but equipped with a system of led illumination, photovoltaic panel that collects and conveys solar rays and an accumulator. They do not require connection to any electrical system (therefore they do not affect the costs of the relative bill) and therefore exploit thesolar power acquired during the day for their night operation. This kind of lamp represents an alternative and free solution to normal Garden and Vialetti lighting.

Their operation is really simple: during the day they acquire the energy necessary for evening or night lighting and this can be automatically launched at the sun. Or, thanks to some particular sensors and for a period of time defined, with the movement or the passage of a person near the lamp or, again, through a traditional switch. Of course, their autonomy tends to differentiate themselves based on use and varies between 4 and 24 hours a day.

From this point of view, it is also the position in which the solar lamps. In fact, an area of ​​the sunny garden for most of the day is essential to obtain an optimal battery charging. Furthermore, there should be no obstacle (walls, plants or trees branches) which somehow obstructs the path of the sun's rays towards the photovoltaic panel

If you want to install these lights below any coverage in the garden (such as a shelter or canopy), then you have to opt for Solar lamps with separate photovoltaic panel. So that the latter can be placed in an area outside the aforementioned coverage and within the reach of the sun's rays. In this case, a position to the south or south-east is advisable. 

Solar lamps and furniture

This kind of Garden light sourcesIn recent years, it has also become a much requested furnishing complement, thanks to its versatility of use and also to the elegance that it manages to donate to the environment in which it is inserted. In fact, considering the multiplicity of products on the market, one solar lamp manages to easily adapt to different types of outdoor furniture. In addition, they can also spread different color lights, offering the garden an always lively and varied atmosphere.

Solar lamp prices

As for the cost of this alternative kind of lamps, it tends to vary on the basis of several factors, including the brand of the product, the level of efficiency of the photovoltaic panel, the presence or not of movement sensors, degree of brightness provided and then also aesthetic design. On the price, of course, it also affects the type of solar lamp that you want to install, there are of all form and genre, including: projectors, wide -ranging spotlights and waterproof spheres for ponds.

Positive and negative aspects of solar lamps

There are several positive aspects of this kind of product, including a certain energy saving and the originality of the lighting of a garden or a path. Among the negative elements, on the other hand, there may be the insertion of an unsightly solar panel, albeit of modest size, in these environments or the duration of the battery not unlimited over time and therefore its expensive periodic replacement (about every 8-10 years) . 

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