Perimeter anti -theft: we offer you our guide to the choice

March 02, 2021

Antifurto perimetrale: ti proponiamo la nostra guida alla scelta

Perimeter anti -theft: we offer you our guide to the choice

You have decided to install a perimeter anti -theft But don't you know how to choose the most suitable for your needs? In this article we will show you how to choose the best the perimeter anti -theft based on what you need.

Only those who specialize in the safety sector can advise you at best on what the settings are to give to your security system especially when it comes to perimeter anti -theft external and internal. An expert will be able to provide you not only quality products but also an impeccable installation that guarantees safety and minimizes the possibility of false alarms. 

As the term itself says, theperimeter anti -theft, is installed on the perimeter of the apartment: outside, it will signal a possible violation of the property, even before the attacker manages to enter the house; Instead, inside, it will be able to detect all attempts or actions, including the impacts and breakdowns as soon as you try to force the doors or windows, obviously connected to immediate notification technologies and call to the police officers . 

Types of perimeter anti -theft

The peripheral sensor of the anti -theft, which allows you to recognize and report an intruder can be of multiple types, therefore we list what are the main existing types:

  • External barriers: it is a double or triple technology equipped with anti-accepting that works without problems with any meteorological condition. These systems need the intervention of an expert who positions them at best and makes a correct calibration, in order to avoid possible false alarms;

  • The underground sensors: this type of sensors can only be placed outside and you must first make a track, that is, you have to dig in the ground and only afterwards can you continue with the laying of the alarm system. They have such an advanced technology and manage to capture if the barrier has been crossed by a person or an animal, therefore, they are very efficient but also very expensive; For this reason, they are usually used more in the industrial field.

How to choose the system?

To make a correct choice regarding the system of perimeter anti -theft You have to take into account the place where you are going to install it and what the costs you intend to incur. In any case, it is of a fundamental importance that the system that you will choose and install, present the characteristic of anti-chestnut technology: this antimasking technology is expected in all the most common perimeter plants. If you have a large animal that lives in the garden, you could present some problems as, on the market, there are no pet-immune technologies that can be considered completely reliable as regards the external sensors.

As you can understand, from our article, it is not easy at all to choose theperimeter anti -theft because it is necessary to consider many variables; The experts in the sector, however, will help you in choosing your alarm system.

Wireless alarm alarm?

The essential characteristics for the proper functioning of a perimeter anti -theft As we said, they are the sensors. These are the focal points of a perimeter anti -theft For outsiders and are designed for the couple work, that is, the emitting sensor sends an infrared signal to the receiver sensor thus creating an invisible perimeter barrier. In this way, anyone who tries to introduce themselves into the property by forcing the gates, windows or external fences will cause the interruption of the infrared radius and this, in turn, will trigger the anti -intrusion system. Only at this point the operating methods of theperimeter anti -theft With threads they diversify from the wireless one, so it is important to opt for the right model. In the case of the anti -theft with threads, the signal reaches the control unit through sensors and wired cables, instead with theWifi perimeter anti -theft No wiring is needed, given that the signal sent from the wireless sensors reaches the control unit in double frequency.

How to defend yourself from sabotages and blackouts

The fears related to the tampering of perimeter anti -thefts and therefore often excessive thefts in the house. In fact, the latest generation plants are made to resist any type of sabotage. In fact, it is not just enough to disconnect the sensors by trancing the cables or cause a blackout to interrupt electric operation. In fact, all the alarm systems on the market are equipped with additional batteries that keep the alarm active for several days. In addition, interrupted electric current and sensor malfunction are the first alarm bell reported by the control unit, which will immediately send a message or make a phone call to the numbers indicated by the owner during the installation phase. The case of a false alarm that triggers theperimeter anti -theft which may be due, for example, to the fall of a branch, with adverse weather conditions or the passage of a pet. 

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