How to organize the pantry in the kitchen, here are some good idea

June 10, 2024

Come organizzare la dispensa in cucina, ecco qualche buona idea

There is an environment of the house where the order and the organization must be essential, in order to reduce the waste of time and optimize the activities that take place to it: of course we are talking about the Kitchen. Think of which chaos we would find yourself, if we kept all the foods in a disordered way. To prepare a simple dish of pasta for a dinner with friends, we would be forced to waste time in the search for individual ingredients, perhaps even without being able to obtain the desired result.

To avoid also situations of this kind, it is essential to keep all the elements functional to our activities in the kitchen in a simple and simple way. But How to organize the pantry in the kitchen optimally? Which precautions allow us to facilitate the conservation of a product Or to be able to find it ready for use, in case of need? We try to suggest some good idea that can favor work in the kitchen and can also save precious time.

Simple but indispensable rules on how to organize the pantry in the kitchen

First of all, you have to fix and place the kitchen tools And the foods purchased in an organized and logical way. In fact, an excellent organization from this point of view avoids waste and helps to have everything you need for our activities and also immediately at hand. Whether you have a wide or small cuisine, it is important that one well organized pantry both divided by types of products, to encourage their identification and any use.

Consequently, for example, the long -term products must be separated from those just open, which will be closely closed (perhaps with pliers or laces) and then fresh food from long preservation will be divided. Of course every month, or in any case periodically, it is always necessary to check that there are no expired or deteriorated products. In this way, waste will avoid and, at the same time, you will have one always clean pantry and without the presence also of any insects.

Cleaning and order, essential elements for the organization of the pantry in the kitchen

An excellent arrangement of the pantry Start with an accurate cleaning of this. Just pass a cloth impregnated with water and vinegar on the individual shelves, shelves or inside the drawers and then gradually storing the individual products, controlling the deadline. The short -term ones must be inserted above (and therefore with the greater reach) than those with long expiry. Then, in the lowest shelves the heaviest and most used products will be placed, while the lighter and less used ones go on the highest shelves.

As for the spice conservation, the pantry represents one of the ideal places, as these must be kept far from light and heat. As for instead oil and vinegar, can be stored in the same spaces, as long as they are fresh. As for flour, Pasta and rice, it is possible to keep them in their packs or, to avoid any appearances of butterflies, they are preserved in glass or plastic jars, well closed and with expiry indications and minutes of cooking.

To organize the pantry in the kitchen and preserve the products well, very useful containers can also be used or tin jars (they find themselves easily and of different sizes in various stores), where you can insert for example cookies, Zollette of sugar, coffee or open rusks. This kind of containers, in fact, generally favors an excellent and lasting conservation of these foods, while maintaining them far from light.

To facilitate the identification of the product contained in each jar or container, practices can be applied to it sticky labels. This, then, will avoid making mistakes and confusing similar products, such as salt and sugar. As for the Kitchen tools, can be inserted in the upper part of the pantry those that are used little or are more bulky, in order to have more free space available in the kitchen itself.

Organize the pantry in the kitchen and keep their insects away

If there were problems of tarme, inside the pantry of the kitchen you can insert "do it yourself" bags, putting inside old pieces of tights of the carnation flowers or laurel. In order to keep other types of insects, you can also prepare a mixture of flour and boric acid (in a proportion of 1 to 3) and then insert it into a container to be placed in a distant space of the pantry itself, perhaps also at the bottom of this.

A certain diffusion also saw the so -called pheromone traps, which tend to avoid the presence of various insects in a pantry and in individual drawers. Once purchased, they will be placed inside or outside the pantry in fact, but still always so that they are far from the light or from any air currents. The functioning of pheromone traps is simple: once positioned, just remove the protective film and this, over time, will attract and imprison the unwanted insects.

To avoid the presence of the latter, therefore, it is necessary Clean the pantry periodically; check the deadline or the status of conservation of the various products In a constant way and close each container well, once the product contained in it is used. If despite these precautions, there is still the presence of some insects, then it is possible to resort to the techniques and natural products that we have mentioned previously. Of course, the use of any harmful health product should be avoided.

As we have seen, Organize the kitchen pantry To restore and keep several foodstuffs OD tools necessary for the preparation of the dishes is not particularly difficult. However, you have to organize yourself accurately, periodically verify it state of conservation of the different products And keep every shelf or drawer of the pantry itself clean.

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