How to choose the air fryer: our advice

June 10, 2024

Come scegliere la friggitrice ad aria: i nostri consigli

One of the latest generation appliances very present in the houses is the air fryer. It is a simple and innovative food processor at the same time that allows you to enjoy the pleasure of frying without guilt, because it allows cooking without fat and healthier. The structure of the appliance itself promotes cooking with the formation of the typical fried crust, without having to immerse food in oil or butter. The air fryer can be compared to a sort of electric oven, producing a strong air thrust at high temperatures capable of caramelizing the surface of the foods in cooking with an equally adequate cooking point inside. The air fryer consists of a fan placed on the top, a control center and the radiant surface. The basket below has a variable capacity on which to place the food. Here is a short guide on how to choose an air fryer: find the best air fryers on Hyperbric!

Elements to consider in choosing an air fryer

An air fryer - in addition to creating fried cooking - can be used for other types of cooking. A good choice, therefore, also favors a more versatile use of this appliance. The choice also depends on the type of food you want to prepare and for how many people since this affects the size of the models and consequently also on their relative cost. The price ranges, in fact, range from € 120 (for cheaper models) up to € 180 (for the most sophisticated and options -rich models). The price also varies according to the capacity of the basket: the cheapest ones also have reduced baskets for a minimum of two people (about 1 liter) up to 4 -liter baskets to prepare foods for five diners or more.

The shape of the fryers affects both the price and on the "style" of cooking. There are high and narrow air fryers with removable basket and other low and wide with insertion of food from above. The choice is only a matter of practicality and personal preferences.

All air fryers have a digitized electronic control center to select cooking options, as well as a timer for adjusting cooking times. The most sophisticated appliances also include among the options of the pre-set programs to cook in addition to fried foods, even roasted and even risotto. This is possible thanks to the principle with which these appliances work: the very hot air that is paid at high temperature and proportionately distributed inside the cooking chamber thanks to the action of a powerful fan. In the case of fryers with large capacities, there are among the accessories, also baskets with compartment or with separator in order to make simultaneous cooking of different foods. 

These are compact appliances, but a certain dimensions to be taken into consideration at the time of purchase and which require the right space in the kitchen, or in the environment in which they will be used.

One of the factors to be considered in the choice is the power and consumption required by these appliances. Air fryers are tools that produce heat - just like a form or a stove - and as such require a lot of energy. The values ​​oscillate between 1500 and 2000 watts. The continuous and regular use of these accessories in the kitchen involve high energy consumption. The positive aspect compared to a conventional oven, for example, is that being compact and with reduced capacity baskets compared to a formo, cooking times - and pre -heating - are halved. In addition, the real oven does not allow the "frying type" cooking, the prerogative of this tool. In addition, the frying made with air fryers require very little oil or no type of oil or fat to obtain the typical crust. It is, however, it is good to specify that not all fries can be obtained with the air fryer, especially those in batter or soft pasta to fry (paches, pancakes, panzerotti and the like).

Other small details to be evaluated in the choice of the air fryer

Sometimes it is the details that make the difference. When choosing an air fryer it is also good to observe whether the detachable components are easy to wash and reposition, the number of attached accessories, but also the presence of non -slip feet that make the tool stable during the operation, the length of the cable with respect to its future location in the environment in which it will be used. Almost all the models and producers of air fryers also provide a useful recipe book to learn new recipes and learn the best use and way to obtain the best results from this type of innovative cooking.

Why buy an air fryer?

The reasons for buying an air fryer were, in part, already set out in the article, but most have a value linked to the health and adoption of a healthy lifestyle starting from the diet. In fact, buying and using an air fryer means:

Making a healthier diet, since air cooking does not require the use of fats (oil, lard, butter) and allows you to allow the pleasure of frying by consuming less fat;

  •  Avoid producing bad smells typical of traditional fry cooking;
  • The fried food with air - in addition to being lighter - maintain the nutritional properties of the more intact foods, the "frying" is more crunchy and tasty on the palate (even preferable to cooking in the oven),
  • Cleaning an air fryer is easier and faster than a traditional whose grease is difficult to disclose;
  • Cooking with the air fryer requires lower cooking times;
  • Preserve the environment since it is not necessary to dispose of the exhausted oil.

Therefore, recapitating if you want to feed in a healthy way, without sacrificing the crunchiness of the fried foods, if you do not want to see greased spots in the kitchen, empty the basket or oil tank of a traditional fryer, then the right choice is a fryer ad air.

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