Furniture with pallets, here are some ideas to make them

June 10, 2024

Mobili con pallet, ecco qualche idea per realizzarli

Mobile With pallet, here are some ideas to make them

After the period of unbridled consumerism of the previous decades, in recent times the culture of recycling of different objects and materials has been spreading, to be reused on several occasions and situations. And the wood represents one of the most precious and best in this sense, as well as the same pallet. The latter can be easily reused for the creation of several artifacts and furniture, saving money and further trees.

The opportunity to create furniture with pallets also allows you to give vent to your imagination and build very original elements, to be placed in the different rooms of the house or even in the garden and give them an informal and particular tone. We therefore go to give some ideas or suggestions on what can be done with pallet, in a simple and creative way. In this way we will also have a small contribution to respect for the environment and the nature that surrounds us.

Some Garden furniture

For those who have a green area in their home, small or large, it is possible to create, for example, a small sofa with pallet pallets. Just assemble them and then, if desired, even give it a hand of paint, to create a truly original small relaxation space. Just add comfortable cushions where you can sit or lay down. Some also tend to combine wooden drawers, in which to put magazines or objects used daily.

The sofa then often joins a small table, always made with pallets and perhaps left not finished, but raw, to give a particular touch to this. If you want, you can also add a glass plate in the upper part, to cover the surface, in order to have an elegant floor on which to rest things, such as any dishes or glasses for example or even an ornamental seedling.

Speaking of plants, always with this kind of recycling material, a small vertical vegetable garden can be made, in which to insert small vases and relative vegetables. For example, the fat or aromatic ones, to provide a pleasant smell to the entire environment. All this also allows to embellish the garden or a part of it in an original and creative way. In fact, just take a pallet, color it and hang it on the wall, then lay the plants to your liking.

Inside the house

The pallet is a material that is also very used to create small furniture or artifacts for the inside of the houses. A table made with overlapping and colorful pallets can be used not only for the garden, but also for the living room. It will help to give a particular aspect to this environment, perhaps less formal and much more minimal. Furthermore, some tend to add small wheel cottones below, so that you can move it at will.

For the bathroom or kitchen, then, in recent years, beliefs have been made, on which to store various objects or tools. In the bathroom, for example, ornamental plants and colored soaps holder, while towels can be placed in the cracks of the pallets. The utmost practicality with the slightest commitment. Same speech for the kitchen, where you can put cups, pots and even some canned food products.

In the study, however, very characteristics can be bookstores made with pallets, in which to put books, but also other objects, such as notebooks, magazines, favors, plates, ornamental vases and much more. As with the vertical gardens of the garden, just color a whole pallet or part of it and hang it on the wall. This part of the house will have a very original and informal aspect.

Speaking of originality, it is also possible to create a bed with pallet (with or without wheels). In fact, this kind of furniture is similar to a very common structure with wooden slats. They can create both a low razor model, on which to rest the mattress, and be a higher model. In the latter case, in fact, just place some layers of pallets one above the other to form a small shelf and then place the mattress. Some, to complete the furniture, also add small bedside tables, always in wood.  

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