Furnish a small balcony: the importance of details in design

June 10, 2024

Arredare un piccolo balcone: l’importanza dei particolari nel design

A peculiarity of modern apartments, especially those built in large metropolises, are small and collected balconies. Of course, the outdoor space perhaps tends to scarce, but this does not mean that you cannot use it to create a well -furnished place, in the name of relaxation and leisure. 

What we want to tell you is that, although the space is small, there are multiple furnishing accessories which, organized in the right way, could best enhance your balcony, making it your place safe.

When it comes to furnishing a small balcony, you will realize that there is no need to have a huge courtyard in order to create a welcoming outdoor space, in the name of design and good taste. Just take advantage of the spaces available, to get a corner to relax and spend moments in the family, whether it is lunches, dinners or afternoons in the name of fun with your closest friends.

Better a balcony open or closed?

The doubt of many people, especially of those who live on the high floors, where it generally pulls more wind, is the following: how can I close the balcony? Surely, protecting this small outdoor space from the wind and rain is certainly not a bad idea, especially if you decide to insert them inside sofas or other elements which, due to the atmospheric agents, could be ruined over time.

There are several ways to protect the balcony from wind and rain, one of the most popular today are the windows. These are glass or plexiglas slabs that are positioned along the perimeter of the balcony in the space between the handrail and the ceiling. It is an elegant and extremely functional solution, capable of protecting your external furniture from weather and atmospheric agents 100%. Although the windows represent the ideal solution, they are among the most expensive solutions, so if you are looking for something that has a more contained budget you can opt for a similar but easier to assemble and therefore also less expensive remedy. For example, you could put a wooden fence or the classic wooden grid on which to grow a climbing plant. Even these two solutions are quite effective, but you have to keep in mind the fact after a certain period of time it will be necessary to replace them, the wood tends to be ruined.

Another very popular solution are the curtains. Obviously this remedy, as the name also says, will be useful in summer on particularly hot and sunny days, but it will not be able to protect the balcony from rain and wind. On the contrary, on particularly stormy days, we advise you to withdraw them to prevent them from breaking.

To furnish a small balcony, which elements to insert

Once you have decided if and how to close and protect your little balcony, you will have to start thinking about how to furnish it at its best and which elements and furnishing accessories insert because it becomes a real space dedicated to design and good taste. 

The possibilities, as regards the furnishing of a small outdoor space, are manifold and based on the size you have available you can insert more or less useful elements, both for your leisure and for your moments of relaxation, and as far as It concerns the practicality and convenience of having an orderly and organized balcony.

In the next paragraphs, we will show you a series of furnishing and design accessories that cannot be missing in your balcony, compatibly with the space you have available.

Sofas and low table

Certainly only the insertion of a complete set of sofas (or armchairs) and table, it will make your balcony a very welcoming place within which you will be pleased to spend time reading a book or organizing an aperitif or even working , rather than doing it closed at home with artificial light. The historical period in which we are, due to Covid-19, forced many people to work in Smart Working, which is why it is very important to build a comfortable and welcoming corner to dedicate to work from home.

Table and chairs

Since we are talking about a small balcony, as an alternative to the sofas and table, we can insert an external table with the set of chairs combined. The choice of the table suits those who prefer to use their balcony mainly for lunches or dinners, rather than for moments of leisure, to which, perhaps he has already dedicated another room in his home. Eating outside, especially during the summer period, is a real joy, especially for those who live in the city and are used to unstating their life between home and office.

Doorbed locker

In a balcony characterized by small spaces, organizing spaces is essential, therefore a locker where to collect the various products and appliances dedicated to the care of the balcony is fundamental. Without the presence of a wardrobe you would be forced to keep this equipment at home or even worse on your small terrace, ruining the atmosphere and sacrificing a precious space that you could furnish in a decidedly more elegant way.


There is always talk of Light Design, in recent years, the importance of light in the field of furniture has been included. Proper lighting can drastically change the atmosphere present in a certain environment. On the balcony, for example, you could choose a line of lights that can create a soft and relaxing environment. Lantern lamps are certainly a very popular choice, in addition to being aesthetically very pleasant, they will give you an extremely relaxing mood. In addition, by choosing a warm and soft light, you will be able to increase this atmosphere to the best, especially during the evening, when you need to turn on the lighting.

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