Dog food: the diet for your four-legged friend

August 25, 2020

Cibo per cani: la dieta per il tuo amico a quattro zampe

When you decide to adopt a puppy, one of the fundamental aspects for its well-being is the choice of correct nutrition. Obviously there is no diet suitable for all dogs, each of them, like us humans, must follow a dietary regime, determined by three factors:

Weight : this aspect especially affects the quantity of food to be administered.

The breed : there are many dog ​​breeds that require a very strict and restricted diet, such as the French Bulldog. These cute little dogs with bat ears are spoiled from birth and will make you regret, with stomach aches and moans, having let them eat the leftovers from your plate.

Age : Dogs of different age groups obviously need different foods and nutrients.

By ensuring your dog has a balanced diet suitable for him, not only will you take care of his health, but correct nutrition will also influence his physical appearance, making his fur shinier and his body more harmonious.

Generally, good nutrition for our four-legged friends does not require enormous effort or particular sacrifices, but being able to follow it on a daily basis will still not be a walk in the park.

Basic principles for correct nutrition

How do I ensure a balanced diet for my dog? It won't be difficult. Bear in mind that, in general, a dog's diet is made up of 50% animal proteins, therefore fish, meat, egg yolk and cheese. The remaining 50% is reserved for vegetables and carbohydrates, pasta and white rice are perfect, as long as they are well cooked.

Once you have become aware of these general guidelines, you must also take into account another very important aspect already mentioned in the first paragraph: dogs need to eat different foods based on the growth phase they are in. Be careful though, our furry friends don't like to change their diet often so we advise you to make any changes in moderation and gradually, otherwise you risk giving them colic and discomfort.

Dog food: kibble or wet food?

Kibbles are certainly the favorite food of most dog owners. They are part of the "dry food" category and represent a simple and practical way to keep our four-legged friend's nutrition under control.

They are cheap and easily available both in pet shops and supermarkets, but pay attention to the type of kibble you choose for your dog: cheap does not always mean good. Find out from your vet about the best brands around and carefully choose those with the best quality-price ratio. At Iperbriko you can also find kibble for your 4-legged friends!

Wet food, on the other hand, is preferred by dogs, it is certainly much less economical than kibble , and can therefore be included in the diet occasionally to make meal times more pleasant and varied. Imagine having to eat the same dish every day: even if it is good for your health, after the third day you will probably get tired of eating it. Even our furry friends deserve to eat with gusto, and the right mix of dry and wet food will help you create a healthy, but also good, diet.

What foods to avoid

In addition to classic dog food, we can also integrate some typical elements of our diet into the diet, but paying attention to some foods in particular which are strongly not recommended for your four-legged friend.

They are absolutely to be avoided:

Sweets and very sugary fruit (for example watermelon)

Some types of vegetables such as cabbage, spinach or onion

Dried fruit

The whole chicken. Obviously dogs can safely eat any type of meat, but chicken in particular can be dangerous if it is not boned. Small, sharp chicken bones can cause choking or stomach lacerations if swallowed.

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