DIY scale: purchase guide

June 10, 2024

Scala per il fai da te: guida all’acquisto

The reason why it is worth buying one DIY scale you It is certainly to avoid unpleasant domestic accidents for the choice of resorting to chairs or stools to reach objects placed at the top or for DIY works.
The main reason why we advise you to buy one, therefore, is the safety During certain actions and it is the reason why it is better to always check, before each use, the general conditions of your scale.
For this reason, make sure that steps and rubbers at the base are in excellent condition and at the same time that the staircase is well stable to avoid unpleasant surprises, for this you must always make sure that it is completely open and that it is not placed on a different surface from the floor.
Finally always climb frontally and never more than one person at a time, it can also be useful to use it in the presence of someone if you do not feel quite safe.

What use will you do?

To buy, from Hyperbric, the scale for do it yourself more suitable for yours needs It is necessary to better evaluate the main use that you will make after the purchase which is also the criterion with which the stairs are divided, that is, based on the height they allow to reach.
In our case we will divide them into stairs for work up to 4 meters, stairs for work up to 5 meters and finally for works above 5 meters.
There first type of stairs It is suitable for renovation or simple domestic maintenance, which is why they are also appreciated in the hobby field; These are therefore practical, functional, light stairs and with the slightest footprint, which is why they are the most popular at home.
There second type Instead, it is the one necessary to achieve higher height and therefore for those who deal with having to clean for example the gutters or have hedges or shrubs to be pruning.
There third type Instead, it is used more to work in professional areas and therefore in construction sites where it is necessary to reach points of work such as attic or floors, the reason why you may be interested is that you are the one who occupies the painting and extraordinary maintenance of the roof or because You are in possession of fruit trees, which is why they are also called agricultural stairs.

Types of stairs

Once the type of use you make it, you must choose the most correct type of scale for do it yourself.
In the first place among the best stairs there is certainly that telescopic which can be stretched according to the needs and therefore solves the problem of being able to reach only certain heights at the expense of others, also once closed this occupies very little space and these are models made of aluminum and which therefore manage to be light, easy to be transported and at the same time resistant.
Another type of scale for do it yourself It is certainly the support one, a versatile tool, easy to transport and excellent for internal and external work.
For those who make an intensive use of the scale the best is the type of smil Which with the amplitude of its uprights guarantees stability and significantly reduces flexions.
For those who always carry out different jobs, the best solution is certainly The articulated scale which can be transformed according to the needs of the moment.

Of course to choose the right scale you will have to evaluate the flow rate of the same and therefore the weight that the various models presented so far manage to tolerate, above all because it is essential to respect the maximum flow requirements indicated by the manufacturer to avoid accidents; In general, the maximum flow rate is 100 or 150 kg.

Finally, if the use you make is frequent, it can be useful to opt for stairs that have more accessories as Large boxes in which it can arrange objects or any Safety tools and systems with anti -anti -crooked hooks.

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