Curtains for the bedroom

June 10, 2024

Tende per la cameretta

Often some are enough furnishing accessories To make a room much more beautiful and welcoming, without spending a heritage. The Curtains for the bedroomFor example, they are an excellent complement that could enhance the environment and make it less flat. 

There curtain, it is a very important element, attenuates the noises from the outside, they maintain the constant temperature by shielding the sun's rays, and revive the room with theirs colors

In addition, precisely for this type of room, there is a great chance to play with aesthetics, shapes and colors.

In this article we will see how to extricate ourselves between the various types of Curtains for the bedroom, materials and patterns. 

In this way you will be able to have a warm and welcoming environment For your child.

The fabrics

The market really offers us many possibilities of fabrics, with different costs and different properties. Some will be more useful for the shielding from the sun's rays, others lighter and others more opaque. The choice will have to fall on a tear -resistant material and stains, but also easily washable.

The most used fabrics are:

      Linen: a fabric for the curtains of the bedroom very elegant and refined and certainly resistant to tears, but easily scacked; 

      Cotton: From them they have the most competitive price on the market, but they have little resistance and tend to dejections and to ruin easily;

      Velvet: Much more suitable for lounges and bedrooms, for its heavy heaviness and skills. It resists a lot but it is not properly cheap and has an aesthetic not suitable for a bedroom; 

      Polyester: The most recommended for this room thanks to its versatility, the ability to resist and the simplicity of washing. 

Neutral tones and geometric designs

When you furnish a bedroom For the boys, the first thing that comes to mind is the color. But it is not said that it is the right solution for us. 

Use tenuous tones, for the walls, furniture and even for the curtains of the bedroom it could be an effective solution to avoid changing furnishings often and for the very relaxation of those who sleep. 

Together with the neutral tones, the use of sober and stylized geometries can give us that right balance if we do not want one bedroom extremely colorful And with too rich and disturbing shapes. 

The fantasies and colors

Another totally different approach is that of a Children's bedroom full of colors and patterns. 

The Curtains for the bedroom, in this case, can help us a lot to reach this intent. In fact, a tent too heavy, perhaps in velvet, and too dark, make the environment too serious and heavy. Use pastel colours And light fabrics we can best enhance the room. 

In this idea, also the fantasies They can help us create the right environment, joyful and welcoming. For the boys' bedrooms, fantasies are used that can remember comics, or solid color but with fun and child -friendly decorations. Other recurrent themes can be the musical theme, with notes and instruments that are repeated on curtain or a style more linked to technology with motifs that recall the hi-tech world (perhaps suitable for pre-adolescent and teenagers). 


The curtains they really have many ways to move on stick, to get shorter during the day and technological systems can even be used to open them and close them. In the case of Curtains for the bedroom The advice of Hyperbric It is to use a simple system that can be used by our children without problems or rupture risks. 

An electronic system, for example, may seem very beautiful to use, but it is extremely fragile if this is used continuously only for fun. Or if we foresee a system for shorten them To bring more light during some moments of the day, we should look for a mechanism that can also be easily used by the boys, without our intervention.

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