Clean the bathroom tap: how to better eliminate limestone?

June 10, 2024

Pulire la rubinetteria del bagno: come eliminare al meglio il calcare?

Delete the limestone

Among the various household chores, those concerning the cleaning of the bathroom are certainly the most hated by any individual. The health workers are among the most uncomfortable and less hygienic things to clean and often deal with the bad smell coming from the pipes. 

Despite this, it is a necessary activity, aimed at the right hygiene recommended within one's home. One of the most difficult problems to eliminate, within the bath, especially on the various sanitary ware and taps is limestone.

Unfortunately, the water flowing in the houses of each of us is generally full and this contributes to the accumulation of limestone in the finishes of the sanitary ware, especially at the meeting point between the health and tap, a truly difficult and unpleasant point To clean. A certainly effective method to avoid the cumulation of limestone is that of perseverance. It is, in fact, it is necessary to clean the most exposed areas with frequency and constancy in order to eliminate dirt residues before they can accumulate and create a limestone bark difficult to completely remove.

Which products to use

Fortunately, there are multiple products and detergents, made specifically to corrode the limestone and give our bathroom and give our bathroom to clean and give our bathroom the original shine. In most cases, these are extremely chemical and corrosive products, therefore they must be used sparingly. If, on the other hand, you prefer to resort to natural remedies then we recommend using vinegar. The latter, in fact, has excellent disinfectant qualities that could help you clean.

Chemicals for cleaning the bathroom are not always suitable for any type of surface. As we have already mentioned, these are extremely corrosive liquids, which risk ruining the surface and your health workers.

For example, looking at the shower heads for the shower you find on our site, we have the Shower Tonda Feridras Hidra line in chromed ABS and the shower column which, having n a completely chromed design, adapt well to a deep cleaning with corrosive chemical detergents, while the other two showers present, FERIDAS shower 8 functions e Shower in ABS Chrome Feridras Hidra line, they are characterized by different silicone parts that could be ruined even after a few uses of a chemical detergent.

Be careful not to ruin the health workers

In the event that the risk of ruining the tap by corroding the paint is high, we advise you to pay close attention in the use of chemicals. For example, you may resort to these products, taking care to pass them only in less delicate areas, avoiding siliconic parts or at risk of erosion.

For our personal experience, we can also ensure that a constant cleaning of the bathroom and its sanitary ware can far reduce the need for chemical detergents, leaving room for the use of more natural products such as vinegar or homemade soaps which, not Only they will keep the painting of your health workers intact, but will also benefit your respiratory tract.

In summary, our advice is to use natural and not very harmful products as much as possible, taking care of the bathroom periodically and frequently. By following these directives, you will realize that the need to use chemical deterrent will decrease a lot, safeguarding to your health and reducing the damage that this type of product causes the environment.

By frequently using natural products, such as vinegar, you will realize that on your taps and sanitary warehouses the dirt will be cumulated less and less and you will have to use less and less precious time to clean the bathroom. The secret of a bathroom always clean, lies in the constancy with which you take care of its components, not in the power of the products that are used.

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