Choose the rapper and the ironing axis: the practicality in the first place

June 10, 2024

Scegliere lo stendino e l’asse da stiro: la praticità al primo posto

Although it is probably one of the most boring activities to do at home, spreading and subsequently ironing role is essential. Fortunately, to wash them, as far as possible, the washing machine helps us, which, once the clothes to wash once selected, based on color and fabric, will wash them in our place. Lately we also hear a lot about the dryer, or a machine very similar to the washing machine, which serves precisely to dry the clothes just washed quickly. Certainly a convenience to be taken into consideration if you have the space needed to welcome it at home, otherwise you have to settle for the good old rapper and arm yourself with patience when the time comes to spread the clothes.

The main types of rapiness

As for the choice of the rapper or the rocks to buy, you generally have to take into consideration several factors, such as, how many people live at home and therefore potentially how many clothes must welcome every time or how much space we have to host it. The choice tends to fall on three models: 

·       Classic Rubbish: it is the classic hanger-pit on the ground. Generally this model is present in almost all houses, it is very comfortable to move it from outside to inside and vice versa, in case of rain or sudden change of time.

·       Hanging rapist: this model is characterized by supports capable of supporting it if you want to attack it for example to the railing of the balcony. If you choose to buy this model, you will have to make sure that your balcony is not exposed to strong winds, otherwise you risk seeing it fly down, during the particularly stormy days. Furthermore, this type of hanger-psanni is not very practical to move and we recommend using it only during the summer period, when wet clothes dry in the blink of an eye and do not need to be lying for too long.

·       Column rapiness: as regards the structure, this type is more similar to the first described. The column rapiness, in fact, rests on the ground, generally on wheels that allow it an easy movement. This-hanging Appenda is designed to stay inside small homes or apartments. Its structure occupies little space and during the winter period it is perfect for spreading clothes at home without hindering the normal accessibility of those who live inside it.

Which iron choose

As for the iron, the choice is more complicated. Also in this case, various models and types of ironing that change of quality on the basis of the price and materials used for the construction of the appliance come into play. For our experience, we can tell you that, in general, an average iron will guarantee you excellent ironing, without burning your clothes or ruining them.

Also in this case we can identify two very different, but both very effective and satisfactory macrocastreries:

·       Classical ironing: provides for the purchase of an iron and an ironing. I think that each of us, at least once in his life, has at least seen how this operation is carried out. The washed and dry clothes on the ironing axis and with the hot iron you pass over with a lot of delicacy, in order to eliminate the folds created by washing without burning the clothing. 

·       Vertical ironing: this is a method that has been spreading in recent years, thanks to new machinery, very avant -garde that we can define as "air tractors". The latter represent the new frontier of ironing and only attractors especially for people at the first years who, due to their inexperience, risk leaving the iron mold on their clothes. The vertical ironing does not provide for the contact of the iron with the dress and manages to eliminate the folds thanks to a jet of hot air. Just hang the garment to be ironed and gradually submit to ironing for a perfect result.

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