Chandeliers or ceiling lights? Choose the best for your home

June 10, 2024

Lampadari o plafoniere? Scegli il meglio per la tua casa

Chandeliers or ceiling lights? Choose the best for your home

The furniture of a house is made up of many small parts, which together manage to create harmony and make the surrounding environment exactly suitable for our tastes and preferences.

Among the various pieces that make up the puzzle of the furniture those concerning lighting are among the most important. In fact, lamps, chandeliers and ceiling lights contribute decisively to giving a tone to your home, who knows how to fully reflect your personal taste. 

Obviously, there is no need to say it, the various shops that deal with this type of furnishings generally offer embarrassing quantity of options, so much so that the choice, in most cases, is really tiring.

As for secondary lighting, given by the ground lamps or abat-jour you can really have fun, but as regards the primary lighting of the house, you need a very specific and designed design line that can create a welcoming environment and familiar.

The choice must be made on the basis of the furnishing chosen for the house or for the environment that requires a new chandelier or a new ceiling light, in order to create harmony between the various furniture and the lighting that surrounds them.

The most popular options

As you may have understood from the previous paragraph, there are really many types and models of chandeliers who will put your choice to the test. To help you try to divide them, at least in macro -areas in order to make you have a clearer and sectoralized idea of ​​the options you have available.

First, you will have to choose if you prefer a chandelier or a ceiling light. So let's see when one is advisable and instead when the other is preferable.


The choice of the pendant chandelier is certainly the most popular, especially if of modern design. However, this choice must be considered based on the reference environment. The chandelier, in fact, finds its maximum expression in large lounges, very spacious, where impact lighting and a more eccentric design help to define the spaces.

On the contrary, in a small and already quite defined room, a hanging chandelier could give the opposite effect. The risk is to make the environment mitigated, without being able to enhance the design of the chandelier or the spaces of the room where you decided to put it on.

Ceiling light

Although the ceiling lights may seem like a somewhat antiquated idea, lately it is possible to find various types, even with very modern design. As anticipated in the paragraph about the chandeliers, the ceiling light represents an excellent choice when it comes to small and defined spaces. Within an Openspace, the ceiling light, unless it has an excessively extravagant design, risks disappearing and being incorporated from the surrounding environment. On the contrary, inserting it in a smaller environment will enhance it to the maximum and stand out its shape and design. Take a look at the offers of Hyperbric!

Other lighting methods

Although the two previously described are the best known and refined forms of lighting, there are many other methods to illuminate the rooms of our house and remaining on the ceiling lighting, and by moving on other types of lighting, such as, for example, L 'Lighting from the ground or the various lamps to be placed on the furniture with a dual purpose: to illuminate and furnish.

Let's see below what are the alternatives to the timeless classics represented by chandeliers and ceiling lights.


This type of lighting has found a strong diffusion in recent years, as it is an alternative that gives a very simple and modern design to the house. They are suitable for all types of room, as the various models adapt, in shape and size, to the environment in which you decide to put them on. In very large rooms, they can also serve as a support for the main chandelier. For example, in a room used as a study, if we talk about rather large surfaces, it may be very elegant to insert a design chandelier in the center of the room, accompanied by a certain number of spotlights placed strategically above the desk. In this way you would combine the profit with the delightful.

Lamps from the ground

Given the new trends, the lamps from the ground are an excellent alternative to create a precise secondary lighting line. Also in this case, to avoid creating a hodgepodge of lights, we advise you to add secondary lights, especially if with an exuberant design, only in Openspace spaces, where some points of the room need additional lights. 

For example, in a very large living area you could insert a chandelier or a ceiling light in the living room, where there are sofas and TV, and a ground lamp that illuminates the part of the room where you placed the dining table. The lamps from the ground are not a definitive solution and allow you to move them to various points of the house to your liking, for this reason they are a good alternative to the usual chandeliers, who, once positioned, will have to stay there where they are.

Furniture lamps



In a well -furnished house the lamps to be placed on the furniture cannot be missing. Surely each of you already has at least one at home, near the bed on the bedside table. The classic Ab-Jour! This type of lamp does not only serve to create that climate of relaxation characterized by noise and soft light, but it is also very useful to give character to the environment and fill the empty spaces of the house furniture with class and style. The dual function of these lamps makes them indispensable within an apartment. In this case, you can really have fun as the design, in fact, based on your tastes, you can choose extravagant and eccentric lamps, or on the contrary, simple and elegant, the important thing is that they can create the right harmony with the environment that surrounds them.

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