Bathroom lighting: where to insert the right light points

June 10, 2024

Illuminazione del bagno: dove inserire i giusti punti luce

The bathroom is one of the rooms to which you tend to pay less attention when it comes to design. In reality this room, if furnished in the right way, can give us great satisfactions and the excellent relaxation moments.

The lighting plays a fundamental role for the furnishings of every corner of the house, therefore also inside the bathroom it has its role of considerable importance. Until a few years ago, unfortunately the importance of luminous architecture inside the house was not understood, but over the years it has even been created a figure who has the aim of studying how and what lights to have all interior of a home. The light designer, in fact, has the task of understanding what type of lamp to insert in a given context, the intensity of light suitable for a certain room and the design of the lamps that will populate all the rooms of a house or an apartment.

The bathroom, although the opposite one could think is one of the rooms inside which the lights have a certain relevance, also based on the size and arrangement of other furnishing accessories.

Which lights insert inside the bathroom

As we said in the previous paragraph, before understanding which lights insert inside the bathroom it is necessary to understand, based on the size, which areas actually need lighting and what type.

Of course this means that if yours bath It is small probably a chandelier and a light for the mirror will be sufficient. On the contrary, if you have a large bath available, you can play a little more with lights by inserting an LED system for soft lighting or fake candles to create atmosphere when you decide to give yourself moments of relaxation inside your tank from bath.

As you can see, there are many possibilities but not all of them are always suitable and in any bathroom, for this reason, in this article we will illustrate a series of possibilities that you can evaluate for your specific case, asking for the opinion of a Light Designer expert who will know guide you among the various possibilities available.


Surely inside a bathroom there must be at least one chandelier that has the primary lighting function. Generally we recommend placing it in the center of the room, unless your bathroom is big enough to be divided into two areas. At this point you can insert two chandeliers or only one chandelier in the main area and another lighting method to generate light in the second area. The choice of the chandelier, of course, will have to respect the design already existing in the bathroom and must be considered, in terms of size, to the size of the bathroom. For example, if the bathroom you are furnishing is very large, you may even dare a suspension chandelier, capable of giving a touch of style to the room.


Another very valid solution to illuminate the bathroom are the spotlights, historically very simple and elegant, suitable for illuminating, for example, a secondary area of ​​the bathroom. The spotlights can be of different types and you can choose the model you prefer most based on your personal taste:

·       Ceiling spotlights protruding: they are generally small cubes or cylinders that protrude from the ceiling and host a single bulb or spotlight. It is an elegant solution that gives you the opportunity to detach from the single -color of the unique color of the ceiling. In fact, generally, this type of spotlight is made in multiple colors, so as to choose the one that best goes on with the design of your bathroom.

·       Recessed ceiling spotlights: unlike the protruding ones, these spotlights have no structure to support them but are applied directly to a ceiling niche. Thanks to their extremely simple design they are suitable for any bathroom or room and are perfect for those who love practicality and are not interested in making particularly daring style choices;

·       Wall spotlights: this model is often structured through an auction that generally supports at least three mobile spotlights. For the assembly it will be sufficient to fix the auction to the wall, near the area you want to illuminate. These spotlights are perfect for giving a soft light for example in the bathing area, where you can enjoy moments of relaxation illuminated by a warm and dim light.

Light for the mirror

Inside a bathroom, a light for the mirror cannot be missing, extremely comfortable to illuminate the face during your morning routine. A light positioned on the mirror will help you highlight all the impurities and imperfections of the face so that you can clean it carefully.

In each bathroom there is a light of this type and, also in this case you can find many models, among which you will surely find what is right for you and that can best enhance the bathroom you are furnishing, in terms of style and design .

Lamps from the ground

If the surface you have available is large enough, you can also opt for a series of lamps from the ground that can create a secondary lighting line, aimed at giving the bathroom a calm and relaxed atmosphere, for your moments of relaxation. If you love relaxing in the bathtub, reading a good book you could also put around that area of ​​built -in spotlights. Very similar to ceiling spotlights but placed on the floor. This type of lighting is specially made to make the environment very relaxed, especially if you choose an extremely hot light, which approaches the tones of yellow rather than white. The latter proposals are suitable for very large bathrooms, on the contrary, if put on small surfaces, they risk being excessive and ruining the entire bathroom design.

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